Worthless sinner

As a believer it's so wrong to use the word worthless sinner to qualify yourself, it's not humility, it's negating the finished work of Christ,
Upon dying and resurrecting, he took away your sin and gave you his righteousness.
'As he is so we are', calling yourself a worthless sinner is frustrating the works of Christ, never forget he's in you forever, he dwells in you.
You're the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, this means you have the same righteousness with that of Christ ooo
Stop using silly names on yourself, it would only make you to be sin conscious
Start a new day by declaring to yourself self that
1.you're holy

  1. You're righteous
    3.you're sanctified
    4.your salvation is eternal
    Christ did it all for us
    Note : you don't confess your sin as a believer, your father in heaven doesn't remember it, instead confess the victory you have over it
    You're blessed
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