God help us all..


We are now living in an age where murderous perverted vermin are protected and rewarded.
Where decent people are conditioned to think it is their duty to work hard for a pittance, so their taxes and national insurance contributions can be used to financially support and provide the education and healthcare of fast breeding workshy immigrants.
Where freaks are applauded and feted. Where small children are encouraged to question their gender.
Where indigenous people remain homeless so immigrants and so called refugees can be housed.
Where hero's are charged with killing the enemies they are sent to fight.
Where the rape of indigenous women and children is covered up so as not to offend the imported communities the filthy rapists come from.
Where indigenous parents cannot chastise their children, but imported cult followers can honour kill, mutilate and give their children in marriage to paedophiles.
Where truth is now a hate crime.
Where truth tellers are victimised, hounded, lied about and imprisoned.
Where justice has been replaced by candle lit vigils and the laying of flowers.
Where the belief in God is frowned upon and the rise of Satan is promoted.
Where governments work against their own people and invite the enemy in, rather than keep them from their shores.
Where protection of the weak and vulnerable has been replace by the victimization of the weak and vulnerable and where national pride and patriotism is now considered racist. God help us all.

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