
Our Lord Jesus Christ while He was teaching by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost taught thus in the Beatitudes about prayer. He said a wonderful clause, “But you, when you pray…”Mt.6:6 Nkjv.

Prayer is a germane spiritual exercise that cannot be overemphasized but so many have underestimated its importance both of its impact in the spiritual (unseen) realm and in its physical (seen) realm. But this is a clarion call of the Spirit that we attend to this wonderful avenue of fellowship with God- “Prayer”.

Prayer should be part and parse of our life, it good we schedule an integral and substantial part of our days to it, that it becomes a lifestyle. Even at this precious time as Jesus enumerated that how important we must take prayer in this last age, when He told His disciples about the incidences that wil precede His coming that …we should watch and pray…Luke 21:36.

Prayer is more than a call and response, but a particular medium of fellowshipping with the Father; it is a wonderful means of expressing our longings for more of Him, His power, His presence, His counsel and His intervention.

When you pray, that what Jesus said, not if you want to pray…prayer should not be conditional, but instead be an integral part of our being & our system. Prayer is not only for some calibers of Christian, it is not the gift of some people to pray; though our longings while praying defers. It is what anybody can participates in, even a sinner is brought to God via praying. It is even our responsibility to pray, because it is through it, we key into the God’s greatness, we affirm His written words to us on us, we reaffirmed His spoken words to us by speaking. It is through it, we worship God in His Majesty.

Now, prayer is not about when you close your eyes or kneel down or maintain a posture, it is the thing or activity of the heart, your spirit. Closing of eyes is just a modality to shun distractions and some postures are just to express humility, but prayers can be done anywhere, the major thing is your heart involvement in the right attitude. But really, it is good to set a particular time free of distraction to fellowship with the Father and make it a thing of duty to be consistent in this practice just as Jesus did (Mark 1:35, Luke 22:39-41).

It is through prayer we communicates with God, acknowledge His goodness, receive His instruction, listen to His counsels and get our understanding open up to great revelations. There is more to prayers, but y earn it and benefit from it when we make it a practice and view it as fellowshipping with the invisible (to the physical) and spiritual God, who we access His presence by Faith.

Make praying your lifestyle and you shall walk in the fullness of God’s purposes for your life and His goodness shall be prevalent with great evidences in your life.


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