Brick kiln Environment


Hi all of my GEMS community and Hive blockchain friends.Hope that you guys all are well.Myself also good.Greetings from Bangladesh and welcome to my photography blog.I want to tell you something about today's low tide scene

This is the brick field. This brick field is very common in rural areas and urban areas.People are involved in various activities in this brick kiln. One of the workers works in this brick kiln and does different types of brick work.

There are two types of bricks available in our Bangladesh. Bricks are available with fuel from chalk and it is available by hitting with current.



He wakes up every morning and starts the brick kiln and it goes on all day.The windmills in our rural areas now have brick kilns everywhere, and with brick kilns we can easily build our houses and large buildings.

These are the big buildings that are being built in our rural areas or cities.Bricks are made of bricks with big buildings or big roads rather than benefiting us a lot.India is building a lot of things like building roads, we need a lot of conventional water from which we can complete the road.

There are more or less sales in each kiln and there are many benefits in this brick kiln. Many workers work here so many workers are very profitable and can easily run the household.


Brick kilns create a lot of unemployment in maintaining the balance of the environment and it causes a lot of air pollution to go up on the black smoke and help them to maintain the balance of the environment.

Brick kilns are just as harmful as the labs, which cause a lot of disruption to our environment.Nowadays the demand for it is so high that bricks are going to be supplied every day and the people of the village used to sell bricks to the people of the city.

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