Music to Raise Your Vibration

Yesterday morning I was sent a link to some high vibrational healing music and that music was so good that it inspired me to create a post about some of my favourite music to lift my vibration. Sound waves, like light waves, are all around us and music is caused by our physical interaction with them. The instruments and voices vibrate with the wave form creating geometric patterns - known as cymatics. That's another fascinating topic for another day, but for now, let's begin with my high vibe music recommendations:


Maywa - Maywa travelled all over Central and South America, and Africa living several years in the jungle and started to write her own medicine songs. She deepened her connection to the plants and spirit world as she was guided to remember her gift. She also spent 2 years with indigenous women and grandmothers of the Shipibo tradition of Peru.
The biggest inspiration for her music originates from listening to nature. She writes and sings her own "Icaros" in ancient indigenous languages like Quechua, Mapuche, Shipibo and Kogi but also in Spanish and English.
(Credit: Maywa Spotify Bio )

I love her music - not only because of the frequency - but also because of it's elemental essence, being tied to nature so closely. To me, it has a whale/ dolphin energy to it.

You can listen for free on Soundcloud HERE

lemon and soul.jpg

Lemon and Soul view music as the light, and us as the tunnel (or maybe the vehicle?) to keep the light bright and clear shining. Music is the most powerful energy in his life.

I like this music because - again - it carries that high vibe whale/ dolphin/ water energy. It is soft and melodic, it is floaty and diverse. My favourite track thus far from this artist is Into the Blue

I found this music on Spotify but there are also free mixtapes of
soul, funk, hip-hop, world, exotica, folk, chillout, ambient or soul music available on MIXCLOUD.


House of Ra

If you like a rave up / dance (as I do), but want guaranteed high vibe tunes, House of Ra is one of my favourite go-tos. I am often to be found dancing around the kitchen in my pjs to this !!It's all recorded at 432hz - try it out and see if you can FEEL the difference. It's free to listen to on Mixcloud.

Encoded Frequency

Encoded Frequency is a collective of people which revolves around Grethel Borrego - based here in Mexico. She combines her galactic art, light language and music at certain frequencies to help people activate and heal. This one - Solfeggio Harmonics Vol. 1 - 828Hz | Light Language | Purification | Cleanse - is one of my favourites.


Anima's website states their music is "Deeply powerful, the gentle and melodious sounds created by Anima reach deep into the soul: to that special place within which often needs a reminder that all is there and all can be healed."

Again, they are inspired by nature, which for me, is always key. At the moment, I am listening to this compilation on Spotify entitled "Lemurian Frequencies" which includes Anima but also other artists. Here's the link to the compilation - and enjoy!

What are your favourite high vibe music sources? I have so many I couldn't possibly include them all in one post and I look forward to discovering more !

Much love,

Marley and Me x

All graphics made in Canva

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