Reasons Why LONG Distance Relationship Fail


Distance as we all know means little that's if someone means so much to you, but when it comes to intimacy or relationship then its a different ball game entirely, i have seen so many long distance relationship die slowly because of one reason or the other.

Truth be told distance relationship requires a lot to make it work, as we all know SEX plays a very vital role in relationship, time and communication is another huge role in keeping a relationship, but if your partner is not in the same country with you then you will know that money cant keep a relationship.

Below are some reasons why LONG Distance Relationship Fail.

SEX as we all know Sex is an emotion in motion,most people keep saying sex before marriage is BAD, in most society its against their law, but i believe in the truth which is saying how you feel, 90% of the marriage we have today had sex before their marriage we all know that.

**TRUST ** i think this is the most important part of a relationship apart from sex, i know the sex thing is becoming too much but permit me to include it because if i don't say the truth then the post is not worth reading,TRUST is what kills almost all the relationship i have seen,their don't trust.that's why trusting someone is never cheap so if you get one please do all your best to keep it.

UNDERSTANDING i am using myself for instance in this case,( I BELIEVE IN HARD WORK AND RESPECT NATURE BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I AM GOING TO PUSH EVERY BODY TO FOLLOW MY STEP) understanding your partner is never easy because you both may see things with different views like 2+2 = 4 but 3+1 = 4 so every one has his opinion they only difference between these two equation is just 1 and 2 that's where the knowledge of understanding is applicable wait listen, understand before you act.

COMMUNICATION Communication plays a vital role in long distance relationship. If there's poor communication in a relationship there is no how that relationship can survive.

Talk dirty with each other talking or doing a video sex with your partner is what i will never advice any relationship to do,because in most cases the partners involve don't end up getting married so what now happens to those nude videos you sent to your partner? he or she might use it against you out of anger or my advice is do a normal video till you return back to your partner. the comment section is open.

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