Dating without the intend of marriage is deadly


Dating without the intend of marriage is deadly i have to use the word deadly because it can kill, i see people going into relationship without thinking or looking at where the relationship will lead to.

most people go into relationship out of frustration while some go into relationship for the sake of financial help from his or her partner, but what there really don't take serious is the SEX aspect of their life.

Having sex with any body is not just normal because SEX is spiritual and for that reason you don't have to play around it

most people go into relationship for the sake of fun while some just want to try something new but which ever way you want to look at it diving into relationship because of financial purpose is deadly because you might end up making your partner love you up and you disappoint him or her that might lead to fight or suicide.

Dating with no intent to marry your partner is like going to the grocery store with no money,. U either leave unhappy or take something that isn't yours. and you know how you will be treated if you take something that don't rightfully belong to you..

on the other hand dating without the intend of marriage is like driving with no destination, and i know we all know the rate of fuel now in our various country .

I want to use this medium to say thanks for all those who go through my email and discord section will soon be open for easier communication.keep steeming.

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