Emotional starvation in relationships

Many of us, are spending their life’s in one sided relationships.

Relationships, where we give and do not receive.

Our souls are yearning for the connection with the other, whilst we are grieving over the good times we had in the past.

Times, that we are hoping for may return, yet deep within the heart, we know that too much has happened.

We have changed, we have goals, we crave freedom- yet part of us is attached and scared.

There are children to think about.

There are friends and family’s opinions.

There’s the clinging, that perhaps the other person might change to fit our expectations.

At night, tugged between the two little bodies of my children, silent tears are running over the cheeks.

Tears, that mark the grief of romantic dreams and connection, that have stayed unfulfilled for many years now.

Tears of disappointment, for not being in control and for constantly surrendering our own needs to satisfy those of others.

During the day, work and running- help to keep the mind sane- whilst deep within the soul an ache lingers, that sometimes seem suffocating.

One, has to draw strength from deep within, to fill the void that can not be tended for by the other.
For, the other first must learn to love themselves.

One, must set boundaries- to protect the heart from becoming cold and careless.

In the shadows of loneliness- the light of solitude is always glistening.

Self reliance, being taught in its rawest form. Until, one day, I’m ready to let go....5EEE06B4-9867-43D7-8E6C-7D0CE5A9E53F.jpeg

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