Timing Advice: Talk to the Hand

One of the of the hardest lessons learned is how to deliver advice

As we grow and have a better life
we quickly want to share how to do it
we want to tell the people closes to us
heck sometimes we are so excited we'll tell people on the bus!

The hardest thing about giving advice
is giving it when it is ready to be heard
and for the most part,
people are not ready to hear any kind of advice

And when a person is not ready it is like talking to a wall
a wall that can walk away

We as humans have a small window of opportunity to hear advice

Why do we have such a small window?

Well most of the time if we are given any advice by friends or family
we feel like we are being attacked
we feel like we are being lectured and reminded about all the wrongs we know we've been committing
we feel less than

This is why people turn into walls
they rather not hear and not feel the pain of all their wrong doings

So when is it the best time to give people advice?
When they are broken
When their ways have gotten them so low that they can't stand the pain anymore
When people are feed up that's when to show them the light
We always want to give the advice to prevent these lows but,
we usually aren't ready until we hit our low point

Be there for your friends and families low points
and ask if you could give them some insight
show them the light tell them there is hope
be sincere

Only then will you not be frustrated talking to walls that don't want listen

Hope that helps :)

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