Things you should never say to your partner | I am warning you

When it comes to a relationship, a lot of things happen. It is quite easy to start a relationship, but maintaining it is another story entirely.

In the course of the relationship, there will be times when issues will crop up and either you or your partner may get angry. Everyone gets angry now and again, but how you deal with this emotion is crucial to the success of your relationship.

The way you handle anger will dictate whether or not your relationship has a future. This is why it is never a good thing for you to have a short fuse as it could make you say hurtful words which you don’t mean. But alas! You’ve said the words and they could never be taken back.


Even though you finally calm down and apologies have been exchanged, those cruel words will never be forgotten, and this could have dire consequences for the future of the relationship.
The following words or sentences should never be uttered in the heat of the moment:

I am tired of you.

I hate you!

Everybody goes through trying times in life, and most especially when you are in a relationship. But when it relates to your partner, verbalizing the situation could be misinterpreted. Your partner may assume that they are the problem behind your non-achievement of your ambitions or goals in life and this can be demeaning.

Words like these almost always signal the end of the relationship as it shows that you don’t care anymore.

You are devil.

Calling your partner names such as devil, prostitute, and other unprintable words are sure to kill off any relationship. Name-calling shows that your partner has no integrity whatsoever and no one who is that degraded is likely to forget anytime soon.

You should be like this person.

No one likes to touch a hot iron rod, comparing your partner to another person is akin to touching a hot iron rod. Do not compare your partner to another person of the same gender, especially if the person in question is someone that both you and your partner know.

If that individual has done well in life, comparing your partner to such a person will only indicate that you view your partner as a failure by not reaching or exceeding your expectations. Another statement that could be as damning as the former is ‘My ex is better than you!’

Words like that have been known to end relationships abruptly without any hope of salvaging it. This is why you must never compare your partner with your ex-, no matter what.

Other comments such as:

Are you going to eat all that?
Shut up!

As it was mentioned earlier, maintaining a relationship is not an easy feat. Bridling your tongue, especially when you are in a foul mood is very crucial. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that you don’t say insensitive words to your partner whenever you are angry or have a fall out with your partner.

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