Most of us want to meet and settle down with the “right” person, and most of us want such a relationship to last. At the same time, the majority of romantic partnerships end in dissolution. What are some of the major causes?
Relationship breakups arise when one or both parties feel the need to end the relationship they are in. All romantic relationships undergo difficult times. There are trials and challenges that test your love towards your partner.

This can be helpful in strengthening your bond and making the relationship stronger. But then, trials or problems can sometimes escalate and result in a breakup.

No one enters into a relationship expecting it to end badly, but sadly, that is what often happens. Sometimes it’s because when you first meet someone, you might choose to overlook some of the differences between you.

Sometimes, people just change, or they stop hiding their true self after a while and the love just isn’t enough to paper over the cracks in the relationship anymore.
Many things contribute to the demise of a relationship. Reasons can range from outright hatred towards a partner to less drastic reasons such as personal differences. Though it’s common to think that being dumped is difficult, naming reasons for leaving someone can oftentimes be just as difficult.
It’s true that you can just pack up and leave without a word of goodbye, but that’s not exactly the best way to end things with someone whom you shared some great moments with. Give your soon-to-be-ex a little dignity and give them the reason you’re choosing to walk away.

Reasons why relationships fail??

One major reason why relationships fail is lack of loyalty from ones partner. And loyalty requires a level of faithfulness in every relationship. Most relationships, at one point or the other get faced with cases of infidelity, but not all come out looking stronger. It is not possible for anyone to trust his or her unfaithful partner in a relationship. Most times when people get involved in infidelity in a relationship, it is as a result of problems like lack of loyalty that has existed for long. It is easy for your partner to find comfort in the arms of another man or woman when you fail to play your own part in mutual loyalty in your relationship.

  1. Dishonesty
    Want to know how to instantly ruin a really great relationship? Then lie to your partner or engage in other questionable behaviors. Lies will destroy a crucial component in any relationship: trust

  2. Extreme jealousy
    If you’re the one who’s jealous, you’re probably always going to be checking up on your partner. On the other hand, if your partner is the jealous one, you may find yourself sacrificing your happiness just so you don’t get hit with the barrage of accusations.

  3. Mistaking lust for love
    You want to be with someone (and in their bed) 24/7 so it must be love, right? Not so fast. Many relationships end simply because the initial chemistry wears off and there was never any substance to back up the sex, so when one (or both) of you are bored with the physical aspect of what you had, there’s nothing else keeping you connected.sex does not define love

  4. Lack Of Quality Time
    When life gets busy it's easy to put the needs of the relationship aside for what seem like more urgent and pressing concerns. That may not do too much damage in the short term. But if this habit sustains itself then it can do a lot of damage in the medium term.

Ways to avoid relationship failure

  1. Be adventurous together.
    Trying something new together is a great way to keep the spark alive. Whether you explore a new hobby, or travel to a new destination, it is something that you can look forward to together.

  2. Appreciate one another.
    Show your partner you’re grateful for them by verbally expressing what you love about them as frequently as you can. By showing your love and appreciation through words and actions, it will also constantly remind you why you fell in love with them in the first place.

  3. Discuss Your Hopes and Dreams
    It’s likely that when you were dating, you talked about your hopes and dreams. However, over time, those sorts of conversations can fall by the wayside. Set time aside to continue to discuss your dreams for the future and support one another in making those dreams a reality.

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