Easy Magik to attract a Husband - The Savvy Sorcerer

----------- Easy Magik to attract a Husband ----------

Or wife.. or friend.. or anything you desire.

Life is simply a common dream we all share (Buddhist/Hindu/Hermetic Philosophy).

Our reality is created simply by mass-consciousness expectations. Your thoughts matter... but so do the thoughts of every untrained mind and crackhead. The expectations of everyone create "reality". If you expect children are starving in third world countries then you help create that "reality"... YOU are the evil god that starves children if you think that way.

Instead; quickly imagine those children all getting great water, great food, and great educations as developing countries are developing. I'd rather add thoughts of their prosperity if I must discuss them in a posting.

I teach easy ways to understand and do magik, and this post is for people who already understand their magikal nature and are consciously creating their realities, although I may try to convince others.

The idea that we are imaginary creating a dream world seems ridiculous to those unpracticed in magik... this can easily be rectified by learning basic magik.

I will often repeat the mechanisms behind magik are expectation and that time is surpassable.

My every blog should stand in its proofs, as not all reading this may have learned that magik is real.

You can do novice magik in your backyard this minute (even at night you can see clouds). Simply look upon a few small clouds and make one of them vanish with your mind. Paint it blue.. use imaginary lasers from your forehead.. it does not matter as long as you imagine the cloud gone. (see one rule below)

The clouds will soon vanish and the clouds around it will remain intact.. so you know the wind had nothing to do with it.

There is ONLY ONE RULE (caps always for emphasis): The one rule is "To be silent" which quickly means that you must do this novice magik in complete privacy without the intention to film or discuss.. even in comments. This is because we are collectively a god conscious and you may have the notion to dissolve a cloud but as soon as you invite skeptical people to watch... then obviously their own expectations can pollute or cancel your magik entirely.

Thoughts operate in waves and an expectant thought from one person can be easily cancelled by an opposing expectation from someone else. Like how the peak of one sound wave can cancel the valley of an opposing sound wave.

***** As long as you do this cloudbusting in private, and ONLY for yourself. It will work every time *****

No film, no discussion, just for your knowledge. Sound fair enough to realize you are a GOD! Tiny rule.

Is that too much to ask to realize that you are god (not speaking to Nondualists who already know this)?

Fifteen minutes with a cloud and a lawn chair.. no matter how silly it must sound to a determinist. Accompanied by the intent not to discuss.

That shows us two things that are critical to manifesting.

It showed us that a) the cloud was essentially imaginary... and b) it showed us we affected the group mass consciousness with our mind.

One mind would need to be very powerful to affect all of mankind, but that cloud in the sky is all yours. You can affect the smaller portions of reality that concern you to a much higher degree. The witch in the woods is not just a cliche.

I could discuss time and magik all day. However; this is a pointed article on how to manifest a Husband (or wife) using simple focusing techniques accompanied by expectation.

Without explanation in depth here, understand that even your own past and memories are not carved in stone and time is a great organizational tool on various planes of existence, but our history and past are constantly changing. Every time we encounter another our past is revamped to help match their expectations of us, and us of them.

Again; another topic already explained in some of my other steemit postings, books, etc.

All you need to understand truly is that your mind can affect "reality" both in the present and in the past.

This means you could literally stop your soulmate from moving to Sweden five years ago by expecting to meet them today.

If you want to test your magik in simpler terms, you can simply place your focus for a few hours upon any friend and then they will appear to you randomly either in a restaurant or perhaps they will call you or message you (Carl Jung met a friend in such a manner... He was the bloke who coined the term "synchronicity".. literally).

So what if you EXPECTED to meet Mr Right.

First of all. Do you even know what "Mr Right" should be like. Even consciously creating a relationship should involve some creation techniques on your part.

Write a list of qualities... and think them through. Is this list something you can EXPECT? George Clooney is married already so chances are he shouldn't be on your expectation list. However you could manifest his clone if you were so determined.

Magik is very real and you will know this if you did the cloudbusting mentioned earlier.. (Fun fact: George Clooney portrayed a cloudbuster in a movie parodying magik called "Men who stare at goats".) NOTE: He did not do alone so his technique was incorrect. The movies writers must not have known the "To be silent" rule.

Write or draw if you can, the guy you would like to live with. Is he a cook or an eater? Is he dominant or submissive? Does he like family life or prefer traveling? Create what you desire. Realize it is very possible.

Writing is very powerful in this imaginary world. Every thought is a prayer and ever word is a magik spell. That's why they call it "Spelling" when you write a word.

Example: Who would manifest a sailing ship quicker? A man who buys lumber and starts constructing a forty foot sailboat in his yard, or a man who writes "I have a forty foot sailboat" for one quarter of the time the first man spends on construction?

I would bet on the latter of the two.

Conscious creators know this.

So writing is very powerful. Here is a story about OPRAH WINFREYS FAVORITE GUEST OF ALL TIME! WHO WROTE HER GOALS DOWN AS A CHILD! (caps always for emphasis).
Read to grasp the importance of writing goals. Don't forget to come back here.

Example: After my dog died I decided I wanted a small, intelligent, and cute dog. I decided upon a female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I even placed a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as my screen saver. Within a week I noticed my neighbor had a brand new Parson Jack Russell. The dog was very tiny and cute. It made me want my manifestation to come quicker.

After several weeks the neighbor decided they did not have the time to raise a dog. The dog was given to me and I have her beside me now. She was NOT a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel... as I had intended. But... she did match my list of qualities and my Jack Russell is likely smarter than most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. She was a female.

She does not bark, is insanely intelligent, and walks beside me in heavy traffic without a leash. I would call her a "familiar"
and I manifested her into my life.

Here is my baby taken at Woofstock at the end of May.
Belly 2017 (2).jpgBelly 2017 (1).jpg

That is an example of how I manifested a free puppy that would cost muggles over $1000.00

Now. Can you manifest a Hubby in the same manner? Of course you can. If you accept Non Dualism then you will realize that TECHNICALLY YOU ARE GOD (or at least a portion of god). The proof is in the clouds above you.

Supplies: What you need to manifest a husband.

YOU NEED YOUR MIND.. That is it. Nothing else. You do not even have to get off your couch. With enough expectation you could draw a man to your door. Time is surpassable ("Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" shows even science knows time is fiction) - Those who manifest parking spots do not physically go and remove people from the mall and send them on them on their way. They simply alter history and remind a young mother an hour PREVIOUSLY that she must leave for her Pilates soon. Easy peezy.

If you want the science of time being surpassable.. It is here in the following two videos (I've linked them in other postings, but as I say.. each post must somewhat stand alone. So I will ink them here. DO NOT WATCH UNLESS YOU ARE A SCIENCE GEEK.

The first video dumbs down the Double-slit so many can grasp Quantum Mechanics who are not scientists. Worth watching as it helps your magik to understand science is now on our side... IT ADDS TO YOUR EXPECTATION/BELIEF (I dislike the word "faith" as it is polluted by Christianity... BUT "EXPECTATION" MEANS "FAITH")

This video is far more involved, but is a CONTINUATION OF THE ABOVE EXPERIMENT (caps always for emphasis)

So if you just want to sit on your couch and manifest a Hubby... That is fine. PHYSICAL effort is not required to manifest.. only mental.

I did this in my youth traveling (I was backpacker) and living in a smallish town (100k people). I decided I wanted a girl crazy enough to "Make out" [clean version] in the middle of city hall and included that on my list. I soon met a pretty girl who I began dating. It turns out she worked in an Art Gallery.. and get this part .. THE ART GALLERY WAS SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF CITY HALL. My affirmation came very true. (nudge, wink).

The universe is literal.. like it has humor... Your higher self doesn't mind screwing with you in fun ways.

As a child I prayed for a Puppy we found to be "HAPPY" for the rest of its life. The family we found to adopt them arrived the next day. THEY NAMED HIM "HAPPY"!.. The dog literally was "HAPPY" for the rest of its life. Hilarious how our higher self behaves.

So be careful what you write on your Hubby (or wifey) wish list. Be careful what you wish for.

A person affirming for a life of travel may lose the love of their life who cannot abide travel. Be careful what you manifest.

Manifesting has many dangers unknown to many. The Lesser Law of Attraction is one dangerous mechanism for manifesting as it is as if Christian types are afraid of traditional magik and its rules and know how. Magik was not invented by Napoleon Hill. It has existed for Millenia. Since forever.

EVERYTHING is mental (first principle of Hermeticism) so everything is created mentally, and technically every single thing is created by magik.

I know Oprah is a Christian (or claims to be), but she seems to lead the way in conscious manifesting and her videos on Gratitude Journals are among the best in the world. Here is a link to one. Watch or not.

(Caps are always for emphasis)
WATCH OPRAH TEACH GENUINE MAGIK USING A TECHNIQUE THAT MADE HER THE RICHEST SELF MADE WOMAN IN KNOWN HISTORY. HERE... in a 3:39 video. A technique that would take you less than 5 minutes per day.

So.. If you want to watch more of Oprah on how she manifested something huge in her life, I'll add another. She claims to be Christian but she teaches more conscious creation than most witches.

Watch her speak about a manifestation...

NOTE: I do NOT endorse Lesser Law of Attraction or "The Secret" movie. Example: In one scene they advocate placing a persons mansion upon a vision board and visualizing yourself living there. They have no regard for the family that is currently living there who must now undergo financial losses, illnesses, or even multiple deaths to satisfy their timeline. Your mind is way more powerful than you likely think and mass murder (even if unintended) can hurt your karma. You could create your own mansion from scratch.. and that would not harm anyone.. but they do not teach you that. Lesser Law of Attraction is the blind leading the blind. Magik is well known.



Here is how to easily manifest a husband...

First: make a list of his qualities he would have. Think upon each quality and imagine how you would react to those things.

Second: You can spend some time affirming for a husband using "I have" at the beginning of your sentence. Obsessive affirmations are helpful to those with untrained minds. A truer mage practices their imagination to the point they can influence reality without the "Obsessiveness". A person with a developed imagination can create much quicker and with less thought. Those are the two schools of thought on mages. Practiced imaginations (Mages) vs less practiced imaginations imagining for lengthier periods (Lesser Law of Attraction style).

Second: (repeating above) Spend some time affirming for a Husband using "I have" at the start of your obsessive affirmation.

Be unique in your reminders. Write it on your body somewhere private. Remind yourself frequently to think positive about your goals. You can use whatever motivations you have at hand. Place a sign in your bathroom. It doesn't matter as long as you expect/focus often.

Now music and songs can be more effective than prayers.

So if a girl wants to meet a boy.. then what better songs for this purpose than a song that has men in abundance.


Maybe "replace the word "Mean" with "Keen" while singing it or find a comparable love song with lyrics suggestive of the life you want. There are many song choices.

(gonna do some caps for emphasis now)




(Okay.. Maybe that caps part was meant as YELLING!)

I mean.. It is pretty dumb to sing heartache songs.

You don't need to destroy your playlist but keep sad songs on the backburner and only pull them out at parties. I've heard some say send them to your ex, but that is just mean and not worth losing your karma points.

If you want an alternate version of the above song... Try this version.. Mix it up.

Now for men... Men could use these same tips to manifest a spouse or girlfriend.

There are plenty of songs anyone can use.

Here is an example for men...

Hey ... Maybe you just want a good group of friends...

If you just want to manifest friendships and good times.. then here are two choices..


(you can pick your own songs.. these are just examples.. but use judgement on the lyrics)

Songs can be better than prayers if you understand the power of your words and expectations.

This can be applied to your entire life. Not just for magiking Husbands.

NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT ON MY VIDEOS UNLESS YOU ARE ASKING QUESTIONS. I do not want to miss a question because someone just wants to say thanks or comment on how impossible magik is as some truly believe (how silly are they). I try to answer questions and can be reached on YouTube under "The Savvy Sorcerer" as well.

Instead of randomly commenting now.. Why not wait a few weeks until you're happily married and tell us about your manifesting... perhaps help the next lonely lass out there.

You create your reality with every thought. Think good.

Wayne Hilborn (author of "The Savvy Sorcerer", etc)


NOTE: This post dedicated to a friend who I shall not name due to the nature of the article.


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