Distance will never be a hindrance to prove how much you really care and love someone

They said that long distance relationship often fail and will never be successful, but for some people, they can be successful.

It takes a lot of effort for two hearts to maintain their love, care and understanding. Being far from your loved ones is one of the most challenging thing in the relationship, but will never be the hindrance to proved to someone how much you loved them each and every day.


I am so impressed to this couple, they have seperated for years but still they managed to stay with each other. It took 9 hours when you travel from Philippines to Dubai and vice versa but even if they haven't touched and see each other physically yet, they are not losing hope to hold each other's hand soon.



Those photos above were carried by my roommate when she went for vacation in Philippines, her guy friend asked her to bring these lovely framed photos and effortlessly written love letter for ger girlfriend who is currently working in Dubai. Isn't it so sweet. We are all looking for this kind of man.


Distance never exist to be the impediment for loving someone.

Photos taken by me

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