Nuggets For Women.

If you are married, then this is for you, and if you are not, work towards these👇


1 Peter 3: 1, says, wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives. This is so deep. Humility pays in marriage. It even has a way of changing a husband who does not know the word of God!! Do not allow your degree or your position at work get into your head. Be respectful and submissive.


Positive character and attitude makes your husband not regret getting married to you. Do not feel less concerned about him. Appreciate his efforts and be homely. Don't give him that attitude that makes his heart skip a beat in fear instead of in love when he wants to come home. Manage your and anger and deal with nagging. Your strength is in humility and submission, not in strife and contention.


Don't compete with your husband; compliment him. Be a leader at work, or anywhere else but be a companion at home. It's wisdom!! Be tender, every man respects a tender woman but firm.

There is nothing wrong in accepting that you are wrong when you are wrong.
Prepare to forgive your husband if he wrongs you. For a forgiving wife is better than a vengeful one.


Do not starve your husband of good food and good sex. You might just be indirectly telling him to get it elsewhere.

Make a decision today to be a good wife, you will need it in the long run.


All images were gotten from this link 👇


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