Date a cute but blind girl

Date one? Hell no! I married one. My guess is she has figured out by now that I’m fat, after all she still has both arms, but I always joke that, “I am nothing to look at these days” and she says, “You look good to me.” Haha.

That said, being in a relationship with someone with “low vision” does present some challenges. When we are out, I am literally “her eyes.” After 19 years together, we have gotten quite good and work well as a team. She never drives carpool (thank God), so that extra duty will fall on you, but that is OK. I have actually found that it has brought us together and makes our relationship stronger. We literally do “everything” together. We go shopping for groceries together, we go to church together, we run errands together. I think that we have made it where other couples have not because they have very separate lives and we do not. We are part of a team and two parts of one whole. I have never once considered it a burden and cherish what we have together.

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