Find out the type of hug your family friend or partner is giving you :the deceit of hugging

Hugs can be misleading but finding the perfect hugs always matters it can either show a means of love or affection closeness or fondness and awkaward or dis interesthug2.jpg
. One Armed

When a hug of this nature happens making you feel really awakward depicting that the individual is a little awakward around you

A Quick Hug

Quick hug mean different thing to different people some may chose a quick hug as a result of assurance or chosing to hug you quickly cos they don’t want to hug ten times every day and Everyone tends to overlook a quick hug.

Catches You
When your partner hug and whisks you off your feet instantly, this is a clear sign it is the type of hug being displayed in romantic movies you know, the one where the guy and girl run towards each other and the girl wrap her legs around his body

Twirling hug

Twirling hugs are absolutely awesome and shows happiness Obviously a wonderful sign that he likes you and enjoys your company to the fullest extent!

Holding tight hugging

this happens When a partner or friend holds you tight, by not wanting to leave you These type of hug can go on for a couple of minutes, and Indulge in the embrace and feel the utter romance pouring through his body that he’s too afraid of tough to express with words.

Squeezing hug

This type of hug is the type of combination of the quick hug and the hold you tight hug. where the partner may hold it by squeezing and smiling and it is among lovers as well as friends by wrapping its hands around you.

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