Communication is a major part of our lives every day. There are different ways we communicate.

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In every relationship especially the marital relationship assumption is the best killer in every relationship.

It's quite very wrong to assume as you may be misinterpreting your partners actions.

One of the major causes of friction in homes, is the lack of effective communication.
A lot would have been salvaged if only there was proper and consistent communication

They are;

  • Verbal communication (talking and listening)
  • Body language and facial expressions

  • Actions

  • Silence
  • Verbal communication: verbal communication is very important in marriage. It saves a lot of misunderstandings and confusion. Sometimes women prefer to assume that their husbands know when something is wrong with them and when they need their attention and rather than saying so, they prefer to wait for their sense to tell them.

Assumption is one killer of communication in marriage. Its much easier to say, “honey pls assist me in the kitchen tonight”, than saying to yourself “I just got back from work and he knows i'm tired so he should know he needs to assist me today in the kitchen”.

Verbal communication entails reminding him of some already planned event or outing.

  • Listening is another form of verbal communication. As a woman you should not rush into conclusion or assume you know what he is about to say or interrupt because he got a detail wrong. Listen first and then speak.

Body language and facial expression: our body language and facial expression during conversations tell a lot about what we have in mind even more than we say out.

Body language can only be effective if your spouse is able to interpret the signals coreectly. Not all men can be communicated to through this form as some pay less or no attention to it.

  • Conversation. It tells if you are angry or sad or excited. Women tend to put up a moody expression, and when asked what’s wrong, The response is nothing.

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Again, most women always expects their husbands to magically know why we are moody, during difficult times, when your spouse is facing repercussion for some mistakes he made, maybe which you advised him against, encouraging him and not having an i-told-you-do attitude or an expression of disappointment would surely help.

The message he reads is the disappointment you express than the words of encouragement you speak.

  • Actions: Ever heard the saying, “action speaks louder than words?” its quite true. Our action is not usually sudden but has been replayed severally in our minds most times. For instance, if your husband keeps doing this particular thing that gets on my nerves, and you don’t communicate, but ignore it, and in my mind you wish you can just do this or say this to get the message to him. Guess what, one day you eventually will do that and the outcome won't be funny. Show your husbands love and respect even in your actions.

  • Silence: as a means of communication could send a wrong message, or a right message.

One thing that should stand out in every means of communication is love and respect for your husband that is where attitude comes to play. No matter how nice you try to make your words come out, having a bad attitude spoils everything. Imagine preparing a nice pot of pepper soup and serving your husband, then you say to him, “better come and eat before you say i'm not feeding you in this house” how do you think he will respond to such?. That’s an example of right action with wrong attitude.

Silence is most effective when there is a misunderstanding, its inappropriate to talk about at your husband or also be anger when he is.

Remember the bible portion that says "Can two work together unless they agree"?? (Amos 3:3).

There has to be a balanced understanding between both parties, you can be silent even at the peak of his anger, even though you are right, then you can wait for when he is calm to communicate your points.

Thank you so much for reading, i hope you learnt something.

Also note that this is not only for those that are married, even the singles, if would be very good for you to start preparing yourself on time for what is ahead in order to save yourself from unnecessary issues on hurts due to ignorance or lack of information.

I still remain @cherylsonty!

Keep steeming!

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