17.The First Thing You See In This Picture Reveals Your True Personality

The concept of personality is a particularly riveting one because it blends the highest degrees of psychological complexity with the core of each of our specific humanity.

Our personalities are simultaneously fixed and changeable, general and specific, simple and complicated, and so on.

The curiosity so many of us share about personality traits, in general, and our own personality type, in particular, is represented by the wide range of personality tests available to us all, both for casual entertainment purposes online and in professional, academic and therapeutic settings.

RELATED: Quiz: Your 5 DOMINANT Personality Traits Based On Pictures You Like

Over the course of one study of the relationship between Instagram filter selection and personality traits conducted in 2015, researchers found a correlation between "personality traits and the way users [of Instagram] want to make their pictures look." The went on to conclude that, "This [allows] for new ways to extract personality traits from social media trails."

Relational psychology suggests we all have "repetitive relational patterns (also referred to as enactments) that reflect [our] unique personal histories, conflicts, and ways of relating to the world."

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