We Are Illuminati

Woah WOAH! What?

(research "Illuminati" if this is a new word)

Very Briefly; The Illuminati are supposedly a group of miscreants who fancy their elite-itude over all others' humanity. There could be an actual organization that exists functioning under the moniker "Illuminati" but this is not what I am speaking to or about here, well, not directly.

Illuminati for this blog can be better understood by relating it to the terms "Capitalism" or "Democracy". The concept of an Illuminati is what I am pointing towards, the environment where an “Illuminati” can exist, its culture bred into the young through indoctrination, taking secure footing in systems of control that thrive off enforcement and criminal cabalistics.

The Illuminati system separates a self-determining class who, by elevating themselves over those without such a classy distinction, enjoy a sense of superiority, reigning dominion over the system and those trapped within.

The Rich, Middle, and Poor are some classes that may lend service to this idea. All living within a single society/system make their lives according to and within the frame of their understanding, developing their identity from within these barriers from the resources available.

Although, the Poorest among us cannot be seen as being in control of their circumstances, they are equally liable for their continuous inclusion in the system, the Illuminati system.

For instance, a poor man in America enjoys a different position within the system than a poor man in India; doubly so for persons with less industry who inhabit the fringes of society. The frame is larger in portions of the Illuminati system while in other portions have very small frames.

These frames are constructed to exclude as many people as possible; filtering out all undesirables and funneling those who promote this system to roles of power and control.

We are all Illuminati because the society we live in, the global society, operates and is constructed to produce a very specific set of fruits; none being Love, Peace, or Understanding. The only product of our current social system is Greed, Hate, and Discontent.

The true color of those within the Illuminati is the color of money. The darkest green being reserved for those with a rapist whit to render personal sovereignty inane and unnecessary; an obstacle to their hijacked and corrupted confluence of acquisitions.

The color of the American Dollar bill is used over others because it has been the tool used to separate us all. Those with the most "green" are considered dark green, the only true issue of "color" we face today is that of those who are Dark Green and everybody else sporting varying hues of pale-green to a malnourished pale.

We in the western world levitate our ideals over those who live in 3rd worlds, looking down from such lofty heights, it is easy to see why we think of ourselves so highly.
Blood-in/Blood-out, those who include themselves know the rules and are quick to justify letting blood flow if it staves off their own blood-letting.

We who were born into this dog-eat-dog world nash and bare our teeth affectionately one unto another, wetting our appetites prospecting financial cannibalism as sweet, savory and aphrodisiastic. With our implicit inclusion in the system, we solidify positions of relative power over others who are seen as "lower" in class but who faithfully demonstrate fealty to the system through pre-sold time, sweating hard, and making money.

We as individuals may not see ourselves as being so contemptuous but our craven countering to this Illuminati system is spoken in silent allegiance with cold cooperation to the components creating compliance.
"I'm just doing my job," being the handy saying separating human from humanity, self from other-self. There is no real obstacle to seeing one's self in another, yet, the construction of our society mimics a phantasm of separation. The divisions are all around us and have segmented our minds to believe if others exist they are bent on being the fittest to survive; and they want your money, livelihood, and your sanctity of being, or at least that's the "news" broadcasting into living room TV. How quaint.

A car is engineered with precision to operate as it does. A car can be driven in reverse only because it is designed to do so. There aren't cars that fold your laundry, do your taxes, or make you food, right? Cars weren't built to do that. Likewise, we cannot expect the current Illuminati system(Global society's underlying operating system, the black and white chessboard) to produce anything other than its current product; Fear and Division(Elite and Non-Elite) and no one wants to be in the ‘outs’(Non-Elites).

We, in United States, enjoy a surplus of abundant choice and take what we desire and discard expired products into locked dumpsters. Even within the country we separate the have's from the have-not's and blame the latter for their wanton needs. And, are left aghast when those in need extend their empty hands along the side of our paths. We separate ourselves from the nations that produce our “goods” by way of tariff-ic terror to which those producers without class must render unto Caesar their best.

The Illuminati rules are simple and are the same as in nature, "The Fittest Survive," or so we've been led to believe. The Carnivores in Nature, however, observe the careful balance between their needs and their prey. If carnivores over-take the Natural system they jeopardize their future for temporary gains. The balance must be maintained or the carnivores will be themselves eaten by the pain of starvation.

I am referring to the Illuminati as carnivores in this analogy and the meek ignorant sleeping society as their prey. It is also notable to mention when carnivores are hungry they become it, of a single focus until they capture their needs. Those who become ravenous may even prey on their own species. However, when their hunger is satiated they are more docile and may even share some space with their prey.

All who congregate at the watering hole know intrinsically the balance of Nature is sustained by all members within. There are no Elite in Nature, the "fittest" who take in unbalanced fashion will only survive long enough to feel their ends come from other natural cycles greater than they. A similar cycle in Human society has been temporarily interrupted and postponed due to the nearsighted understanding of our standing within the Natural Cycle.

Now I will utilize a Knife for metaphoric impetus.

Every knife contains a blade and a handle. Any thing else attached to it is not germane to this metaphor.

This knife's name is "Elite."

The knife's product is called "illuminati."

This knife is particularly good at cutting, slicing, and shaving things into little pieces. Those who wield the knife use it for this reason cutting, slicing, and shaving portions necessary to make ends 'meat.'

You and I, NO, we don't cut anything. We pay others to do this. We are not violent, in this manner, we seek peace and tranquility. We do our jobs, pay our taxes, and give a few bucks here and there to people on the street. We aren’t involved in the carnal act of separating life from limb.

We Love our family.

We are generally nice to our neighbors and friends.

We all want Love, Peace, and Understanding, right?

Well maybe we'll slice off a piece here and there, but never a lot and only when we need it, right?

We pay our fare share, we do our best to be a positive member of this Knife club society, we know that some use the tool in horrifying ways; but as long as that stuff is far away from our little slice of heaven, we turn a blind eye to it.

This blindness makes us ALL Illuminati.

If those who do most of the cutting are considered the blade, the ONLY way the blade can be wielded safely is if We faithfully do our part, play our role, and service the weight of the handle.

We carry our portion of weight by going along to get along.

We fane empathy haphazardly by muttering, "That is a shame." while in queue for our share of the life sacrificed shamelessly in the dirt and mud of our ignorance. Where does such seeming boundless treasure come from?

We do NOT take ownership of our role in the cutting process and it is this that prolongs the terrorizing menace of knife-fighting around the world, and now, more than ever, the knives we wield are being pointed back at We, the handle, the fulcrum by which the blade gets its deadly power.

We are the Illuminati because we stand by, in line, scared to be cut off from the surplus of meat on the market. We have become accustomed to so much choice no matter where or from who it comes from.

We are the Illuminati because we are still consenting to the system that cultivates the power necessary to wield the most rapacious of blades, all over the Earth.

It is our fear, the fear we might go without, that promulgates our silent consent to the dastardly deed of demarcating those who die, and those who thrive.

The people we point at and say, “These are the guilty parties!” are only able to cut so deeply into third world bodies because in our clamoring for security we tighten our grip, secure our hold, tie our hands to the blade.

If this ain’t you then Peace unto you and yours.

An entire world must come to terms with their culpability to the continuing crime of living in an Illuminati society.

Go With God
May All Be Blessed

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