REIN: Sacrifice Being Comfortable For The Greatness You Are Capable Of Achieving.


Meet these amazing Steemians whose comments I'm sharing as gems I found in the comments section of the original post.

In life, we set goals, hope/work to achieve them and look forward to the day our dreams come true. But life is not a bed of roses and we encounter difficulties along the way. So there's the dilemma; should you keep working through the pain? And how long should you? Getting answers to these questions will go a long way in determining your philosophy in life.

The best movies don't portray our favorite characters succeed immediately. Many times, they go through various periods of being hurt and broken. They go through the deepest of valleys and what do we do? We cheer them on and hope that they succeed in their mission.

There's always this tiny little bit of ourselves that tends to see itself in our favorite actors. We resonate with the "underdog spirit" they possess and that's why we root for them to succeed against all odds. But the story shouldn't end there; this "underdog spirit" shouldn't be left to the movies alone.

When we set out to achieve things in reality, we are faced with series of setbacks in form of discouragements or lack. The initial zeal we set out with quickly starts to fade away and we begin to lose faith. Sometimes we sit and cry our hearts out, sometimes we pack our bags and head back home. Many times we do not carry through with our plans.

Then sometime later, we set out on another journey only to repeat our previous actions.

Imagine this was the current plot of a movie you were seeing, what would your reaction be?


Nice post @fisteganos. It's the type of concept that's easy to grasp when sitting comfortably in a cinema seat as you say but we are not geared well generally to apply such sensible thinking to ourselves when things get tough.

I think it takes life experience to learn how to do this well and over time, we can condition ourselves to think of the positive, indeed nesessary aspects of experiencing hardship.

Without the downs we can't know the ups and, importantly, we often have no idea how others think we handle difficulty.

I've had times where I'd thought I'd fallen apart over certain hardships only to later learn that outwardly, I had apparently demonstrated strenght and grace from the perspective of others.

Time is an excellent teacher.


when we start to understand that going through challenges actually bring rewards, then life can be seen as lot more fun... like the big boss you fight in a video game before you level takes some skills, patience and persistence to win against him..he won't let us go through the next level easily..but when you pass, a whole new reality appears... ;)


We all have that little "underdog spirit" inside, i think we should be more capable of get it out more often, even when the things got worse, then more "undergod spirit" we have to show!

REIN seeks to give exposure to Steemians whose comments complete my posts. This is my way of showing how much I value their comments.

If you think this is a bad idea, let me know in the comments. Otherwise, resteem, upvote, and check out these amazing Steemians!
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