Better times will come.

We are living in times of anguish and despair, day by day we see how the number of people affected by the pandemic that is sweeping our world is growing, so today more than ever we must take into account the words of our Lord.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

After the storm always comes the calm, and with it will come better times where we can see our garden of life flourish, the virus that today is affecting the whole world will degrade and we will return to our normal lives, to share with friends, to fulfill our tasks and continue to carry out the projects proposed, we can take it as a slight pause in our lives, we are at rest, recharging the energies to continue reaping successes.

These are times of reflection, they are moments to show our most humble side of life, to help those who need it and to share pleasantly with those around you, it doesn't matter if they are family, friends, relatives or simply it doesn't matter if they are animals that accompany you, value them, they are there when they need it most, better times will come as Jimmy Cliff says but keep in mind that bad times as well as good ones come and go, that's why it is better to have allies to overcome the situation.

Here's a song that helps us remember that the best days are yet to come and that it's enough to think positive while the train of happiness arrives.


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