Refugee Family Reunion Bill, the latest push for foreign colonisation of the UK.


Amnesty International are now pushing for the passing of a new "Refugee Family Reunion Bill" in just 2 days (16th March 2018). Amnesty International, lest we forget, was set up by a lawyer called Peter Benenson, a close relative of the Jewish Rothschild banking family, and has been exposed many times pushing false propaganda in order to justify Western attempts to get into wars with countries in the Middle East and around the world, as i thoroughly demonstrate in my documentary "Amnesty International Exposed". So they sell war to the public, and then they sell refugee immigration to the public in the same breath.

This new bill proposes to:

"1) Expand the criteria of who qualifies as a family member for the purposes of refugee family reunion;

"2) Give unaccompanied refugee children in the United Kingdom the right to sponsor their family members to join them under the refugee family reunion rules;

"3) Reintroduce legal aid for refugee family reunion cases."

Any and all immigration is useful to the Jewish rulers who have repeatedly told us what their plans are for Europe, only that most of us aren't willing to listen. Listen to what elite Jews like Barbara Lerner Specter, Gregor Gysi and Yascha Mounk have openly said about it (links below). They are shoving it in people's faces. Are we going to do nothing in our own defense?

Multiculturalism [only in Western / white-majority countries] has been a deliberate Jewish plan, and it has been put into motion with a view to the genocide of the white race. There is no other way of saying it. We must reject all further immigration and oppose acts like this which would accelerate this malevolent Jewish agenda. Meanwhile in Israel, the government are paying Eritrean and Sudanese refugees to leave, and telling them if they don't they're going to prison. They refused to accept Syrian refugees because, according to Netanyahu, "the country is too small", even though Israel is still growing from the theft of Palestinian land which has never stopped! The hypocrisy is staggering.

Barbara Lerner Specter -
Gregor Gysi -
Yascha Mounk -

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