Memory Fades the Divide

Flesh of the palm, subtle reminder of bonds made
Surrounded by cracked glass
The echoes stir within
Lovers painted in the pool; Looking back?
No, looking in.
Future in the swell,
Visions, a heady wine lingering on my tongue
A taste I crave
To be embraced in the arms of Divine Grace
The water, surrounds, remembers my name
How many lifetimes might it say?
Floating under the looking glass
Here, not there
Yet I see, in the reflection
Body quaking in the moment, presented me
Petals underneath, folded neatly in divine hands
Gentle stirring in the liquid echo of above
Your name wrapped upon my tongue
A promise to meet you there, outside of the glass
Fibers of me break through
Reaching for your hand
Uncovering the revelation of your fingertips upon mine
To drive the dark clouds away
Awareness brings you now, to me
Pressed in, we breathe
The touch of lifetimes, no divide
Fleur de lis emblem of the traveler’s way
Emergence from the glass, left shattered behind
Water aware, the walls must break
Tossed into the sea, as we rise
In truth, in Divinity
Within your arms, I rest
Shrouded in the safety of your wings, I soar above
My ache for you, pales the thundering need of the world
I give in to you, as we mend the break
Looking glass reflection of two
The tender evolution of our dance, is the hope they see
Love endures the rendering weld of two worlds
Lips form into grins as we rise into the sky
Laughter, ours, in sight of the reflection of life

And though I know that I must be willing to stand alone, against any odd, God has already given me my blazing Trinity in response. So, it cannot ever matter what the people think of me personally, but their hearts are indefinitely important. The truth and love (the real love) must exist. I can be a spattering of dust lying on an empty shelf, but the wind... Carries, as the ark must speak. Memory will tell it all and I will recede into the shadow of wings. Leaving seeds that spring into the joy that is my smile. Left here for all that dwell in this place.
Tell them, one day, that it didn't matter to me... What they've said and how wrong they've been. I love them anyway.

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