Love or obsession? Big question.

It has not happened to them that they reach a point in their life where they ask. It is necessary?


Is it really important to get a person with whom to experience that feeling?

Because it is so important if we came to this world completely alone. Well, this only applies to those who do not come on the same "trip" with their brother as is my case.

The fact is that I have asked myself so many times: At what moment did love become something indispensable?

When did the need to feel a love that goes beyond one's own become obligatory?

I imagine that since we allowed marketing to be introduced into our lives to the point that today many find it hard to even know what really makes them happy.

I am 21 years old, and throughout my life I have taken every thoughtful moment with my pillow to try to clarify that kind of doubt that from a very young age has been in my mind.


Converting the search for answers into more questions.

Honestly, I, Elizabeth Millan #Lyza. I consider that the most important love and the only one that I have come to really know until now is love for ourselves. What really makes us happy, whether reading, dancing (As it is in my case), writing and even as it is for some the simple fact of doing nothing, being locked in your room, in silence, reflecting ... It is something that only depends on you, what you want, what you are looking for, what you dream of.

The truth I do not consider something of a whole necessary the idea of ​​having a person by your side to feel that love, I do not think there is a rule in which it is absolutely necessary to give another human being your hope of being happy, of smiling, of every day be a better person. It's something I can not understand, it's something I can not and I do not want to understand.

My first love, I, my second love, my mother is worth a million, my third love my Venezuela and my greatest love, the only and unique, that would not change for anything in this life. God and all the virtues, tools and qualities that allowed me to be happy.


That unconditional, unique and dedicated love that I'm looking for, it's me! I love myself, I love myself as I am and as I am, something crazy, distracted and at the same time happy. So I love myself, so you should love yourself, with all your faults, imperfectiones that located in the correct order create the most perfect and unique being that can come to exist on earth.

That being is you!


Thanks for reading my post, for giving me a few minutes of your time. Share your experiences, he says. That would help me and motivate me to continue working for this beautiful community. I wish you the best of days. Thank you!

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