The Red-Scare Is Working Perfectly. Americans are Losing Their Minds.

The red-scare strategy has created some real insanity for Americans. In other words it’s doing exactly what its designed to do.

In 2016-17, many Americans, myself included, supported Bernie for president with great conviction and passion. We watched as, state by state, the election was pulled out from under him by way of the most blatant election fraud I’ve personally witnessed. 

We were told by the democrats that we were to blame for a President Trump. We were called un-American, colluders, etc... because we supported Bernie instead of Hillary, the annointed one.

Fast forward to today. While Bernie seems to have fully absorbed the Russia narrative (see his interview on NBC’s Meet the Press), many of us are still not buying into it.

We’re not buying into it because all we’ve had so far is repetitive horn blowing from the mainstream corporate media. To believe, simply because we’re told to, that a few internet trolls swung the election, not only flies in the face of logic but there have still been no facts presented to support that theory, even if Bernie now believes it.

But guess those of us who don’t buy into it are being told that because we don’t support Bernie’s theory of the Russians, that we are un-American, colluders, etc. See how that works?

It doesn’t matter who the sacrificial offering of the day is (Bernie, Jill, Ralph...). What matters is that we the people fall in line and support the person propagating the current agenda (in this case the big red scare).

They bank on us following a person, not the facts, issues or policies. 

Don’t fall in line. 

Think for a minute.

Stop the idolatry.

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