How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything In Our Cult(ure) Is a Lie

I had the honor of being a keynote speaker at G. Edward Griffin’s Red Pill Expo yesterday.

It was an honor because Mr. Griffin’s book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island” was the first book that woke me up to everything I talk about today… from the evils of government, central banks, fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, Keynesian economics and much more.

So, to have gone from reading his book nearly 20 years ago and carrying on a lot of his work to then end up speaking at his conference was almost a little surreal.

Alex Jones of Infowars actually livestreamed my speech to his internet audience and we were able to take that video and adjust it for quality somewhat and put it live on The Dollar Vigilante’s Youtube channel here:

I went deep down the rabbit hole on a number of issues that I don’t even regularly discuss in our blog so you may want to check it out. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel too so you don’t miss any of our live-streamed content.

It was an action packed day as I also got accosted by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” while at the conference.

You can hear more about that here, “Is Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad/Poor Dad MK Ultra Mind Controlled or Just Having a Nervous Breakdown?

I am now off to Las Vegas to play in the World Series of Poker and will report in soon from there.

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