GGcrypto - A Budding Community

Hello, everyone.

As we’ve all noticed after these last few weeks, cryptocurrency is not always fun and games. Volatility is total bitch sometimes, and keeping your cool becomes an even greater struggle. Hopefully, you’ve been able to remain calm and patient, and buy this dip, priming your bags for incoming bull runs.

Tell me what you’ve been able to set up for the coming weeks, months, and years in the comments - I’d love to hear what everyone is doing!

If not, I pray you weren’t one of the many getting their first taste of feeling totally REKT

If the latter is true, may I commend you on your ability to navigate the ever expansive crypto-verse to this gem I am about to present.


Herein, I am bringing to all of you an opportunity.

This is no meager opportunity, but rather, if you pursue, it will be your first step down the rabbit hole leading to wonderland.

Dare you venture further?


The destination I am guiding you to is a safe space for everything crypto, and our location is somewhere beyond the moon.

Without further ado, welcome to Gainz Gang Crypto Lounge.

The above link will take you to #GG telegram chat room, where you will find both meaningful and meaningless conversation, guidances through the cryptoverse, and Bobby Messick’s vision for cryptocurrency.

Why should you join the movement?

Because it’s bigger than you’d ever expect. This space serves as an excellent think tank for all things crypto, and you will never be alone on this journey.

The crew is here to inspire, help you learn, and accomplish huge things. Big facts.

Please consider doing yourself a favor and paying us a visit. You will soon discover just how fun the cryptoverse can be.

Seed planted.

Are you ready for growth?

with pleasure and integrity, Zacharius - crypto celestial

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