Environment First - 6 Curb Recycling Finds Salvaged & Sold For $644 (38 Pounds Saved)

Requirements: my bare hands, a screwdriver, cell phone, and a backpack.

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Household Items Personally Salvaged From Curb-Side Recycling & Recently Sold:

Roland mini keyboard sold for $200 cash, weighing 9 pounds and 15 ounces.

It worked perfectly.


Early 1980's audio receiver sold for $100 cash, weighing 17 pounds.

It worked perfectly.


Medical rehab device sold online for $108, weighing 7 pounds with recycled packaging.

Again, it worked perfectly.


Luxury espresso machine control and display panels sold online for parts/repair for $126, weighing 1 pound and 4 ounces with recycled packaging.

It seemed to work fine, but I sold it for parts anyway because I wanted to be safe.


CFA Test Books sold online for $48, weighing 2 pounds and 2 ounces with recycled packaging.


Infant high-chair straps and two wheels sold online for $62, weighing 13 ounces with recycled packaging.

I have more part to list from the original unit I stripped parts from that'll sell for $45.



$644/6 = a whopping average of $107 revenue EARNED per find here. 47% received in cash. 38 pounds SAVED.

I'm off to a solid start in March. Amongst a bunch of finds on Monday, I also found $400 and $150 items outside on Tuesday (dental equipment and a double stroller). I tried very hard to first the second part of the dental equipment that would be $15,000+, but I was fairly confident that the dental office wouldn't toss that like they did with the stand I found. The packaging around the stand gave me clues that this dentist upgraded models. I'd found a complete $5,000 dental unit outside their office in the past and stripped about $350-$400 of parts of it that sold hours later, but I didn't have the same luck with the scanner monitor I couldn't locate this time.

As I post this, I'll be on my way to a thrift store where I scouted a $550-$650 profit play on just $61 cost. While I'm trying to reduce my thrifting, I can't say no to an easy profit on brand new inventory. After that, I'll be on my way to a cash poker game for some fun.

I know that this post isn't long, but the value I consistently deliver is in my hustle behind the scenes, my environmental impact, and to keep others aware of opportunities to help the planet (and ourselves).

Recycling to help OUR environment is my priority. The world needs more people to take our global waste problem seriously with action. Sitting on the sidelines is the fastest way to prove that you don't care, and there's a price to pay for that. Just a few minutes a day makes a huge difference.

Some people talk, speculate, steal, complain and/or are full of it....

Some do the right thing.

I hope more people take action because it's not that hard.


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