Back In Business - 24 Free Recycling Finds SAVED & SOLD For $1,566... A Perfect iMac Computer?!

The virus couldn't hold me down forever. I'm back in business to help the environment.

Below are 24 things I saved from my neighborhood's curbside recycling, cleaned/fixed as necessary, and sold for pure profit.

Aside from the money, I want to highlight the weight and volume I'm cumulatively saving for all of us. This isn't just for me. I truly do this for everyone, hoping more people will contribute on their own over time.

Even with an economic downturn, sales are moving again since I'm well enough to sell. I have minimal concern that I can't thrive during any economy because my inventory cost is $0, supply is endless, and this is a ton of fun for me. I can always lower my prices to make this move.

It's been 24 days since I got knocked down. I'm being extract careful to use gloves, a mask, and wipe everything down with a Clorox wipe. I also let all customers know that they should let their package sit 1-2 days after they're received, and to wipe it down again for extra precaution.

Again, all of these was saved from being wasted so that others can keep them alive. I usually ship with only recycled packaging, but given the situation where I am, I used a lot of USPS' free shipping supplies for safety reasons.

I still haven't worked for a minute in 4 years and 11 months since I quit my corporate job. Will you dream about freedom, or go get it?

Free money and all SAVED with my bare gloved hands:

Hive-themed antique Japanese bumble bee tinker toy sold online for $33.50. ~8 ounces



21.5" iMac computer and bonus recycled Apple wireless keyboard sold to a grad student from Kenya for $180 cash. Pretty cool find I almost kept to play StarCraft Brood War on during the lockdown. ~23 pounds.


Miele vacuum found and sold for $125 cash in under 24 hours. ~10 pounds


Plumbing drain unclogging drill tool sold for $100 cash. This thing was a mess inside and out before I took the rust off. ~10 pounds


Tivoli radio sold for $60 cash to a man who wanted to give it to his blind relative as a gift. ~5 pounds


Dollar bill counter fixed and sold for $50 cash. ~8 pounds


10.5 pounds of Star Wars Death Star Legos sold for $110 cash to a thrilled buyer.


AeroGarden seedling grow light sold for $70 cash to a nice guy from Holland. ~4 pounds


Dishwasher rack sold online for $79. ~5 pounds


Stroller bumper bar sold online for $34. ~1 pound


Vacuum power nozzle tested and sold online for $65. ~4.5 pounds


Music mixer board fader caps sold online for $17.50. ~1 ounce


4 Lego crocodiles sold for fun online for $11.50. ~2 ounces


Vacuum brushroll motor tested and sold online for $37. ~1 pound


Printer paper output tray sold online for $25. ~1/2 pound.


Wheelchair seat back sold online for $80. ~5 pounds


Hello Kitty arts & crafts template sold online for $30. ~1/2 pound


Replacement breast milk pump motor tested and sold online for $30. ~2 pounds


Coffee machine grinder sold untested online for $90. ~2 pounds


MBE study book sold online for $20. ~4 pounds


Printer paper catch tray sold online for $24. ~1.5 pounds


6 empty Hermes boxes sold online for $75. ~5.5 pounds


Plumbing tool sold online for parts/repair for $125. ~7 pounds


Centrifuge tested and sold online for $95. ~13 pounds


It was tough taking 2 full weeks off, but my drive and determination to continue my mission will make that a blip in the past soon.

Again, all of these were personally recovered by walking around at night with my cell phone flashlight, a backpack, and my own hands. These are things people walked by for hours and didn't care to notice or take to help the environment or their own pockets.

The $1,566 is revenue before any fees and shipping. A decent portion was for cash.

P.S. I found what could be my biggest find EVER on Monday night, while my entire city was fast asleep. A post on this will follow as I process it.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I'd also like to add determination and effort. Remember that when you feel down on your luck.


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