Old-Fashioned Christmas Tree Made out of MX3

I found this Christmas tree made out of MX3 - A nutritional supplement used some of the people in our area. The pharcmacy kept all of the boxes, then made a Christmas tree out of it.

Though we are on the 17th of January 2018, obviously Christmas has ended and I saw this Christmas Tree still standing- Made out of MX3!. It rhymed right? I took a photo of this because I was always fascinated by post christmas designs still present in our area.


Taking a closer look, by the way I am not promoting this product for a damn reason. I don't even use it. Its just so cool to see a Christmas Tree was made out of those boxes!

I literally don't know how does this affects our body nor even heard stories from people got well after taking this. For God's sake, I am not endorsing this product. Lol



So that's it. Have you found some Christmas Trees made out of credivity from recycled materials? These boxes are suppposed to be thrown and this made me took a photo out of it aside from its still standing despite we are in the 17th of January 😂


Thank you for reading. 😁

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