I chanced upon a pile woods which are supposed to be for disposal as garbage.

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Look useless to many. But since I was trained under the tutelage of my preachers Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon, my mind began to work out on what I can make out of this garbage woods.

So I collected them and began to cut

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and polish them.

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And then I remembered I have an old glass table top kept in quite a while

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With just a few basic tools, some throw-away woods, a handful carpentry skills...the whole day, I am so enjoying doing something I really love... squeezing and exploiting my creativity. =)
And then slowly I can see it taking form.
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And now after a good tire...
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Something out of nothing.
I enjoy working, eating and drinking my coffee and relaxing with the table I made out of scraps.

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