Sleeping Buddha

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Recalling Buddha is a statue that represents Buddha lying down and is a major iconography and statuary pattern of Buddhism. It represents the historical Buddha during his last illness, about to enter the Parinarvana.He is lying on the right flank, his head resting on a cushion or relying on his right elbow supporting his head with his hand.

Image source: Google image

According to the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Pali canon, at the age of 80, the buddha announced that he would soon reach Parinirvana or the final death less state, and abandon his earthly body after this , the Buddha ate his last meal which he had received as an offering from a blacksmith name Chunda.

Wat Pho is located behind the temple of the Emerad Buddha and amust -do for any first time visitors in bangkok .

Image source :Google image

Wat pho is one of the largest and oldest wats in Bangkok with an area of 50 rai, 8o,ooo sq. metres and is home to more than one thousand Buddha image, as well as one of the largest single Buddha image at 150 feet.

It is good luck to you . I wish you success. this term is used both straight forwardly , as in goodluck on your journey and sarcastically , implying that what some one is undertaking is not likely to successed .If you think so you'll finally that long lost letter, good luck to you.

content source: google

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