Carb Porn II: The Return of Carbs (Brownies From Scratch Recipe)


Greetings, Steemians! I have this brownie recipe that I have been modding for years, and since I just made a half batch I thought I would share it with you.

"Phoenix, didn't you just make sugar covered soapapillas the other day?"

Yes, and when I went to fry up a few and put the rest of the dough in the freezer because I have not been well and ergo tired and ergo had just been keeping it in the fridge, I discovered it had gone moldy, and I was so verklempt I made brownies. Don't judge me. I have needs.

Easy Peasy Scratch Brownies (read: if you don't want to futz with a double boiler to melt chocolate or butter):

3/8 cup cocoa powder
3/8 cup coconut oil (because it's hot and melted already, yay!)
less than 1 cup sugar*
2 eggs
two little shakes of salt (~1/8 teaspoon)
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon (ish) vanilla extract

Mix in a bowl. Pour into a greased bread pan (really, this will be too little for a 9x9 typical brownie pan. Double it if you want that. If you want them thick, go ahead and double it and throw it in the bread pan). Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes. Lick the spoon and bowl while you wait.

TA DA! Carbtastic.

*the original recipe calls for 1 cup and I used to eat it that way but it's too sweet for me now. So I just left like a centimeter or so unfilled on the measuring cup and that worked.

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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