Chotpoti Recipe

In the wake of exiting or sitting adjacent to the shop, you can eat plate after plate. This gab is made however it isn't exceptionally troublesome. This talk room is anything but difficult to make in the house. Also, it will be solid.

We should investigate Chapat's formula ...

Components :

Cranberry beat - 2 glasses

Ginger + Garlic Bata - 1/2 Chanchacha

Putabata - 2 table spoons

Cumin + coriander bata - somewhat less than 1/2 of the pimples

Cardamom + Cinnamon Bata - 1/2 Chancham

Yellow - next to no (exclusive for shading)

Salt - like amount

Unadulterated potatoes - like the need

Oil - 1 table spoon

Bespatha - 1-2

Onion Kochi - 1


  • Drain the beats for 4-5 hours with high temp water.

  • Put a bowl of oil and onion juice.

  • Sprinkle every one of the flavors aside from the potato with the heartbeat.

  • Pour 1/2 minute warm water to warm water.

  • Spices won't be excessively.

Blend the potatoes in the center and blend it with the heartbeat.

On the off chance that you need to make more water in the beat, blend the potatoes somewhat more.

Try not to bubble over the beat. Try not to keep it solid over and over. Inquire after some time.

  • Take down to keep the beat water.

  • After moving down and again the water is dragged marginally. Along these lines, bring down water to account like water.

  • Now, in a container include a skillet with a little oil and let it pulverize the beat as a vegetable. Get down when you sprout The oil is totally discretionary. You can do it. I want to eat.

For dressing:

Sasha Kuchi-1

Onion shrubbery - like amount

Kachamarich kuchi - like amount

Dhanepata Kuchi - like the sum

Egg Whole - 1

Potato bubbled - 1

Singing - 6-7

Snitch's Talk - 1 glass

Flavors - Amount (I gave Radhinini)

Visit flavors - little (produced using room)

Visit flavors:



Dry pepper

Together with every one of the tables. Cutting edge in patella or blender.

Tuttle Talk:


Little bark flavors

Sugar - 1 chacha

Bit salt - little

Combine all. Subsequent to making the discussion, it is smarter to eat with a prattle.


  • Pour cheeks into Savings Dish and blend them with a spoon of flavors and tetrachas.

At that point sprinkle the best flavors arranged in the house with saasha khichi, payaaj kuchi, kachamarich kuchi, Dhanepata khichi, potato bubbled, egg-bubbled and puffed rice.


  • The most essential of the tips to fill the chapatti is to lessen the measure of potato flour. Try not to give increasingly If you give more throat.

  • Preparation of cabin flavors in the house is great. Test builds a great deal.

  • The beat of the beat is distinctive when the weight cooker is idealized. So it regards bubble in bubble.

  • Do not zest much. At that point the beat will look like Bhuna. Light flavors and light shades

  • Batta flavors likewise cause a ton of thickness.
    Photography: @nelufareasmin

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