I Just Realized that Sometimes Swaps is Better Than Selling it in Market

I am not a techy nor an analytical person. Though my line of work is on the accounting side where I track and research numbers, outside my job, I care less about stuff, especially numbers. If you deal with data daily, you will somehow understand where I am coming from.

I read some blogs before by users here explaining swap, liquidity pool, and other terms that a normal blogger can get a grasp of, and at some point, I understand the key concept. But honestly, I rarely check such details and dig into it more.

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Golem Overlord has been a great idle game for me, over the past days after it launched I was able to secure my return on investment and now just recycle the rewards and take some profits from time to time. This one's perfect for me as there are days and even months to which I do not use my account to create content and even comment since I am busy with work and after-work commitments. I just claim the reward at a specific time, complete the quest, and then close my browser.

Earlier, since I noticed that my $SHARD tokens are already around 567 which I rarely use I transferred it to Hive Engine in that way, I can have it sold for $HIVE afterward.

After the transfer of the $SHARD token to HE, I checked immediately on how much $HIVE I could get with a few tokens being sold at the market. If immediately sold at $0.00710001, I will be getting 4.025 $Hive without any sweat. Now I recall that there's a swap option available within the game so I checked on how much I get if I chose the swap instead because why not right?

The swap amount for 567 $SHARD is 5.71105757 $HIVE which is a 1.686 $HIVE difference and almost 25% percent if we do the small math.

Since that is the case, after realizing the difference in everything I decided going forward that if I do some trades I will consider swap and the trade amounts in Hive Engine. My laziness to compute everything and track does kick in occasionally, but being analytical still gives benefits.

How about you? Do you check swap and trade to maximize your profits or do you just process immediately trade your tokens?

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