It's been with total dismay and disappointment that I have watched the strong and mighty submit to the weak dressed in a regalia known as blackmail. I have personally found out that blackmail thrives where mistake, fear, cowardice, and lies prevail.

These are my observations and humble conclusions regarding this battle between the fear and the truth:

  1. Everyone makes mistakes (although some could argue that their mistakes are way greater).
  2. There is nothing TOTALLY new under the sun. Most mistakes and situations have occurred in the lives of others.
  3. The best way to handle a problem/ correct a mistake is to face it. Postponing facing a challenge until morrow will leave one in a greater fear.
  4. Succumbing to a blackmail is as good as being locked up in jail for a life time. Blackmailers do not stop.
  5. Succumbing to blackmail temporarily with the intention of overpowering your blackmailer will only give him/her and so many other blackmailers the power to blackmail others tomorrow.
  6. Always think of the worst that could happen if d truth is revealed and be ready to face it. The truth liberates.
  7. Most times, the harsh effect of the truth would be cushioned if the truth is unveiled by you.

I have long said NO to blackmailing. Join this movement today as we say NO to blackmailing.

For more reality talks, kindly follow me on @treshy. Thanks for reading.

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