Is Reality An Illusion?


A few days ago I had written about an interesting theory that seeks to explain the nature of our reality called the 'many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics' which basically says that there are an infinite amount of universes and anything that can happen, happens in these universes.

Today, I read another interesting theory and I absolutely had to write about it. This time, a column in Scientific American, has suggested that our reality could basically be an illusion.

This is not a new concept for people who are aware of Hinduism where a similar concept says that everything that we perceive is just an illusion (Maya) and that we humans are attached to this illusion.

This theory is also quite similar to the one that states that our reality could basically just be a simulation created by some higher beings in a higher dimensions.

A Fake Reality?


In school, we learned that everything is made up of atoms which are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Upon further study, we learn that there are even smaller particles called quarks, neutrinos and so on. Then there are various fields and quantum phenomena that make reality work.

But the idea put forward in Scientific American, states that the particles that we can observe are not the real thing but it is 'information' that forms the base reality.

So, what about all the matter that we can touch, smell, see, observe? Well, they are just hallucinations that we are all perceiving and only think that they are real, because of the mathematical relationships between everything in the universe.

If the base reality is just information, that would mean that our reality would be no different than the 1s and 0s that make computers work. Could it really be that everything is just computer code and we are all mass hallucinating this reality?

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