(By Vic Buaquen)
• Man has always dwelt in his mind and believed that he is different, apart and unrelated to other humans. All the pain, sorrow and suffering of man is the consequence of this mind set. We never fully grasped and understood our Oneness with All, the primacy as well as the ultimacy of love in our life and being, as Christ exhorted us to be.
• The mind never understood nor experienced love yet we have always piloted our lives from there. Would it not be time for us to move the steering wheel of our lives from the mind to the heart? We can only experience and feel love with our hearts. It is likely, as well, our avenue of egress from duality and our return to Oneness with God.
• God’s gift of free will presupposes that man awakened in this world with a neutral outlook unbiased to neither aspect of duality. Man had to start neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative for free will to be valid at all. Any bias or inclination for either side would have made free will a nullity from the beginning. This is to say that the initial assumption of man of himself as sinful and unworthy of the love of God is a consequence of choice made by man and not by God. Man could have made a choice for the positive outlook. That we are individuated parcels of God, created in God’s image according to scripture, as well as “it is in God that we live, move and have our being” thereby unequivocably making us all children of divinity. The life that animates man is of God, from God and is God. We are magnificent divine children of Perfection and not a product of a slipshod creator. Would it not have been a better and more pleasant task for man to confront and face the challenges of the world and duality, from such a positive starting point? Obviously such option is still open to man today. It is very well within his free will choice. And our personal choice on this regard is not only crucial to our individual but collective welfare of humanity.
• Do the pronouncements of Pope Francis in the aftermath of the Third Vatican Council find relevance to the world today? He says among others that eventually all souls will reconcile with God; that there is no hell; that all religions are true and correct; God is not a judge but a lover of humanity; and even heathens who don’t violate their conscience could go to heaven.
• Is it not time to have a more direct, intimate and private relationship with God without the intervention or filtering of authority whether in the form of another human being, organization, scripture or system of belief, no matter how holy or elect they could be? It is hard to imagine an afterlife or a heaven where we would still have third parties or go-between artifices to relate to God.
• The old conflicts of the world are passing away too. The country versus country, ideology versus ideology, institution versus institution, are being replaced by the clash of the light or new energy against the old dark energy of evil. While the dark is rearing its head right now it is fast losing in many fronts due to awakening humanity. Where do we go and what happens from here? What do you think?
• And yet the internet has shrunk the world and people everywhere could now be in touch with each other. People are learning that they all want the same things, such as roads, schools, hospitals, peace, socio-economic growth and abundance, etc. And they also found out that no parent in the world would want to send his/her child to kill or be killed in battle. Planetary peace and awakening is at hand and everyone can help make it happen. What can we do to help? We do not have delete keys just like computers and therefore we cannot delete or unknow these understanding and therefore makes them our unrevocable beginnings of world peace.

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