(By Vic Buaquen)
• There are questions that must be answered by man today, being at the pinnacle of his evolution through time. His answers could well define the reality of tomorrow.
• Before Christ ascended and left the world to return to the Father he said that greater things will we do than he did. Reviewing Christian history, there seem to be not even one that could reach his stature and greatness. Why? Did Christ fail in His ministry?
• If the gospel and teaching that Christianity teaches today is the same one that Christ left to His disciples, then it could only mean that Christianity is a failure in its two thousand years of effort to change man. What “salvation” has Christianity given to mankind or to the world? Are we better for it? Why is the world still so dismal?
• Christ said that the greatest commandment to man was to love God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his strength; and that he should also love his fellow humans as he loves himself. Who among the Christian churches made this the foundation stone of their ministry? Were the churches more interested in enlarging and controlling their followers than installing and promoting this philosophy of love for the whole world?
• A popular word in our present day reality is the term “terrorist.” Who were the first terrorists? Did not the church burn thousands of people in public places in its effort to cleanse the world of witches, warlocks and worshippers of the devil? This happened during the “inquisition” in earlier church history.
• Did not the church during the time of Galileo excommunicate those who refused to recant from their belief that the earth revolved around the sun? Bruno, an associate of Galileo, got burnt at the stake for this. What other untruths did the church impose on its followers? Was it not also that the church arrogated unto itself the forgiveness of sins and required its followers to confess their sins to priests who proved to be quite fallible and not the spiritual superior of the ordinary lay person? And claims infallibility of its titular head? Were these for the spiritual welfare of the people or was it to have a greater control over the masses?

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