Real Estate Investments just got better: IAT Platform

Real estate according to online Wikipedia refers to property consisting of land and buildings on it alongside with its natural resources.
This real estate industry is being loaded with lots of intermediaries which are being referred to as real estate broker in the US while they’re being called real estate agents in the UK.

If you'll ask me, I can boldly say that real estate investment is a durable investment. This is because a building can last several decades and even centuries with an indestructible land beneath it, this is the reason why most people consider it as an highly profitable business venture.

Having said that, we shouldn’t also forget that as profitable as this industry seems, it’s not that easy to get into it, this is in the perspective of newbies who has interest in directing their funds into this industry for investment. This difficulty is as a result of the several issues that have become endemic in the industry. They are listed below;

  • Extremely high taxes and upfront charges on resale
  • Lack of transparency in the system which gives room for all sort of corrupt practices
  • Strict and complicated financial regulations which limits access to mortgage
  • Several restrictions being made on foreign ownership and
  • High capital requirement.

We cannot doubt the fact that the industry of real estate is being loaded with lot of growth potentials which are even yet to be tapped into, so I believe that if these problems in the industry can be eliminated, the extent to which the industry will be developed will be so surprising.

Instant Assets Token

In order to achieve a leading role in every aspect of real estate locally and globally, the Instant Assets Token Platform has decided to tackle these problems being faced in the industry by tokenizing the real estate industry on the Ethereum network and eliminating the traditional barriers it is made up of several companies that works together to achieve this common aim.

DigiAssets Pte Ltd is the first company which is located at Singapore and is solely in charge of token management while Reality Beacon Philippines Inc (RBPI) which is the second company will be in charge of managing the IAT pegged properties. The support of development team and fundraising entity shall be controlled by Public company limited which is also located in Singapore.

IAT plans to reduce the total charges being spent by the masses by 70% - 90% while purchasing properties. You’ll agree with me that this in no doubt will result in more profitability and also rapid development of the industry. IAT assets acquirement shall be more of commercial estates which have history of encouraging demand over the years and will also serve mainly as the initial asset pool for the platform ecosystem.

The management of the company will also provide asset management services for assets owners who are willing to make partnership with the platform. Not only commercial estates will be acquired by the platform but also residential properties that are located within key development areas will also be acquired in bulk.

The platform operates mainly on 2 main tokens which are IAT and NIAT. IAT which is the token to be released during IEO shall be use for real estate tokenization and it has a total supply of 5,000,000,000 tokens while NIAT will serve as the local tokens which have an equivalent of IAT tokens. It shall be within each person’s real estate market and is also pegged against the country’s native currency.

The NIAT tokens can be used for several purposes which includes; purchase of assets, payment of legal services, rental payment, payment of tax advisory and services, listing of assets for sale or rent, payment of agent’s commission, and several others.

Conclusively, IAT platform is well structured to bring the real estate industry and property investment to the next level, not only it is that the platform is transparent in all its decision and operations; it is also made up of competent team members and developers that are well experienced in the industry. Also considering the mechanism at which this platform will deliver its services, then I can boldly say that its one of the top projects to watch out for in the year 2020, I’m sure you all don’t want to miss out on this.

Have some enquiries? Kindly check the links below for clarifications;

Bitcointalk Username: dvmmayowa
Bitcointalk Link:;u=2505500

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