Real Bodies Exhibition - Las vegas - The Vascular System.

I wanted to separate the two posts because in my mind this part of the show is more factual and less controversial. Don't get me wrong this also creeped me out big time! haha but in a different way.

If you missed my first post on the real bodies exhibition you can check if out here.
Real Bodies Exhibition - Las vegas

Ok so bang! just as you walk in the room there is a floating head... :o

The complexity of the our bodies vascular system is simply breathtaking. I have no idea how they separate this but once you get past the shock of what you are looking at its simply amazing.

The leg for some reason i found worse than the head... i think its because the structure of it was perfect whereas the head looked a little 'squished' for want of a better phrase.

I think the dark atmosphere in the room really added to the 'vibe' of this part of the exhibition. I don't know why but it had the feeling of going back in time... Perhaps my arty side was coming out but that is the only way i can explain how it felt...

The arm and shoulder here again had a weird feeling for me.

I think it must be to do with seeing sensory parts of your body displayed in such a way.

This part of the exhibition felt more real than the cadaver side and i felt more like these were body parts. Strange.

Again it is simply breathtaking how complex our bodies are. Just look at the shoulder! Gives you complete respect for doctors and surgeons that they can dedicate their lives to not only trying to learn about this complex machine but also how to start repairing it!

I hope you have all enjoyed these two posts and it has certainly been an emotional as well as education experience for me. It was actually good for me to explore the way i felt about it during these posts as well.

Thanks for sharing the journey with me guys and hopefully it will prompt you to check out the show yourselves :)

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