A boy versus man can define what is a real man?

Hello Steemians!
Have you ever wondered what are the traits of a real man?

A boy can often be rude, self-centered, focused on having fun, and often ruled by his emotions. While a real man endeavors to be respectful, self-sacrificing, responsible and in control of his emotions.

Misconceptions about manhood
What some people say: Real men are tough; they don’t cry.
Real men don’t let anyone tell them what to do.
Men are better than women.

How to look at it:
Manhood is the opposite of boyhood—not the opposite of womanhood.
A person can become a real man when one leave behind the traits of a boy. In other words, the more you replace childish ways of thinking, speaking, and acting with mature ways of thinking, speaking, and acting, the more you prove yourself to be a real man.

Consider this. What is your answers to the following questions:
In what areas have I already made progress in putting away the traits of a boy?
In what areas can I improve?

This would help you determine what is the real man.

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