(3) post interesantes graphite like

La inversión tecnológica de detección de terremotos hecha por Japón valió la pena

After the devastating earthquake in Japan on March 11, it was known that Thanks to a new warning system, Tokyo residents probably had about 80 seconds of warning before an earthquake was felt throughout the city after hitting the land 373 kilometers away, off the northeast coast of Japan.

The US Army seeks to influence online communities

WASHINGTON (EFE). - The American military plans to use a sophisticated software to create false identities in social networks in Internet and to influence the conversations online, especially in the Muslim world.

The Central Command of the United States (Centcom for its acronym in English) has acquired a program that allows a single person to control up to 10 identities without being "discovered by sophisticated adversaries", according to the requirements of the contract requested by the US Air Force. , which is available on the Internet.

The contract application, dated June 22, 2010, states that the software will allow "10 characters per user, along with background, history, support details and 'cyberpresences' that are technically, culturally and geographically consistent."

The origin of the graphite pencil

Invent something is not easy to ask those who create post in taringa: although you can wake up one day saying "I'm going to invent a useful thing today", from there to achieve it there is a long way. Many of the inventions have been the product of chance, some arose by accident, while others managed to become reality at the insistence of their creators, who did not give up and after many attempts they found what they were looking for.

And although after many of those inventions have become popular and we use them to this day, almost nobody wonders how it is that someone came up with inventing something like that.

In this series, we want to explore this topic and rediscover those things that seem simple to us, but that in reality are not so simple and required a lot of ingenuity to be created. We start with a simple one: the graphite pencil.

We have all used graphite pencils or "pencil mina", to draw or make calculations at school, to mark wood in carpentry, etc. The advantage is that you can erase the paper if you were wrong in the calculation. And although it seems that it is a very simple thing, the graphite pencil did not exist as we know it until 1795, and its creation was little related to the artistic field: it was created during the war.

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