Practical methods that make your children love to read


The people of education agree on the importance of instilling the love of reading in the same child, and raising it to love, so that it becomes a habit to practice and enjoy.
This is only because they know the importance of reading. Scientific research has shown that there is a high correlation between reading ability and academic progress.
There are arguments for scientists to show the importance of the importance of reading to remind them:
1- The human reader is difficult to defeat.

  1. (My free reading taught me more than a thousand times in my school).
    3- (One of the reasons for my success and genius is that I learned how to take the book out of his heart).
    4 - Asked one of the scientists geniuses: Why read so much? He said: (because one life is not enough !!).

My brother, Karim: The reading tells the child in his life, it expands the circle of his experiences, and open the doors of culture, and achieve entertainment and pleasure, and gain the child better linguistic sense, and speak and write better, and reading gives the child the ability to imagine and after-eye, Thinking properly, raising the level of understanding, reading a child helps him to build himself and give him the ability to solve the problems he faces.
And many beautiful things made by reading and love the book in the same child.
The planting of the love of reading in the same child starts from the house that must instill this love in the same child, if you teach your children how to love reading, you have been given a gift that will enrich their lives more than anything else !! but what is the way to this? Especially in an age where there were many exciting entertainment elements and charming games that made the child practice for hours on end ?!
Before answering the question, mention verses from a poem entitled "Mother Reader", a translated poem.
You may have a real fortune hidden cans of jewels and gold boxes
But you are richer than me because you will not read me

Methods of reading:

1 - role model reader:
If the house is large with a small bookcase, books and magazines are interesting, and the family members, especially the father, are readers and readers, the child will love reading and writing. When a child sees his father and family reading, and dealing with the book, he will imitate them, and try to catch the book and start his relationship with him.
It is important to note that children who do not attend school are not overlooked. We ask: Does the child need the book only after entering the school?
And we say that specialists in education and reading psychology see the training of the child who did not enter the school to keep the book and browse, and it is necessary that the family provide him some of his books, which are close to the games in their forms, and a lot of drawings and pictures.

2 - Provide books and magazines for the child:
There are libraries and publishing houses become interested in reading the child, and the issuance of the needs of books, magazines and stories, and this in the countries of the developed world, but in the third world, still little children's books and magazines, but promising good. There is no doubt that these books, magazines and stories, including:
(A) To carry the appropriate educational content for the environment in which the child lives.
(B) The age and mental age of the child shall be appropriate.
C - to meet the needs of the child literacy.
D - be characterized by beautiful output and colors appropriate and attractive images and large letters.

Some of the publishing houses have mastered, and they have published books in bold, written in the form of toys, and books that bring out the sound of an animal if opened. This helps to attract the child to read.


  1. Encourage the child to set up a small library:
    It includes colorful books, attractive stories, interesting magazines, do not forget to take him to the libraries, buy from his books and magazines, leave his choice, and not force him to buy magazines or books.
    All this makes the child live in a beautiful reading environment, feel the importance of reading and the book, and grow relationship with the book effectively.

4 - Graduation with the child in reading:
In order to instill the love of reading in the child should be graduated with him, for example a picture book only, and then a picture book on the page will be a picture and a word only, then a picture book will be on the page two words, then a picture book on the page,

5 - take into account the wishes of the child literacy:
Taking care of a child's wishes and needs is one of the most important methods of reading. For example, a child loves the stories of animals and their legends. After a while, he loves fantasy stories, adventures, tournaments and so on. You should contribute to the fulfillment of your child's wishes, his reading needs, and not being forced to read subjects or stories he does not want !!

  1. Good place to read at home:
    Make a good and cheerful place to read in your home where you have the proper lighting and complete comfort for your child to read and love the place where he reads and some tempt his child with a rocking chair for reading only.

7 - Give your child a time to read it in it:
When the father or mother devotes a time to read the child's interesting stories, and attractive even if the child knows to read, he thus exercises the best methods to instill the love of reading in the same child.
Here are some recommendations for reading to your children:
A - Read to your children any book or story they want, even if it is trivial, or repetitive, and you may be tired of reading it, but you have patience until you feel pleasure reading.

B - you read the expressed, and represent the meaning, and make them a kind of fun, and use different voices, and make reading time fun and fun time !!

C - Discuss your children as you read them, and ask them a few questions, and a simple dialogue.
And try to be reading this continuously, every week at least twice.
The story can be read on two children together, then represent it and play the roles of its characters.
Audible reading sessions make children enjoy the fun of books and help them learn and understand the language of books.

8 - Exploitation of opportunities and events:
Exploiting opportunities and events to make a child a lover of reading is one of the most important things that a father should be aware of. The occasions and opportunities that go through the family are many

Here are some examples, to take advantage of opportunities and events to raise children to love reading.
A - Utilizing the holidays by presenting the appropriate stories and books is a gift for the child. As well as when he succeeds or excels in his studies.
B) Exploitation of religious events, such as Hajj and fasting, Eid al-Adha, Ashura, and other occasions to present stories and attractive booklets to the child about these occasions, reading him, and simplifying his dialogue and listening to his questions.
C) Exploiting opportunities such as: trips, excursions and visits, such as visiting the zoo, and giving the child stories about animals. Dialogue, what animals he loves, interesting stories, and other opportunities such as illness and tooth pain, can provide useful and useful booklets and stories about them.
Exploitation of leave and travel:
It is very important that the child should not stop reading, even in the vacation and travel, because we seek to make him not live without it, the leave can be excused in reading more and when the family wants to travel to Mecca or Medina or any other city, Buying easy brochures, interesting stories about the city you will travel to, reading or reading to the child, reading aloud, reading is fun for children, opens doors for them and supports emotional connections among family members. They will have fun reading part of their childhood memories.

9 - Exploiting the hobbies of the child to support the love of reading:
All children have hobbies, such as: electronic games, installation and decomposition of some games, bike driving, drawing, computer, football, and other games. So you have to provide the right books, interesting magazines, talk about their hobbies, trust that they will rush to read them, and you can talk to them, and do they want more? Do not worry if these books are trivial, or worthless in your opinion. What is important here is to familiarize the child with reading and to instill her love in himself.


10 - Child reading and television:
The multitude of televisions in the house. The child is encouraged to spend most of his time watching her programs, not to search for entertainment, and with one television set, the child will resort to reading when another member of his family follows a program that the child does not want to follow.
You should not put a TV in your child's bedroom because he will sleep watching it instead of reading a book before bedtime.
As your child grows older, his life becomes more crowded, and his preoccupation grows, the time before bedtime becomes his only chance to read, so be sure to instill this habit in your child !!

11 - Play with your children some reading games:
And games that you can play with your child to love reading too many, but choose the games exciting and exciting, and there are games can be invented by you, such as: Write words reversed and read it correctly, and start writing his name is in reverse, for example, his name (Saad) Dude) and ask him to read it correctly and so on.
One of the games: to ask him to read the hanging paintings in the streets, and some traffic signs, as a stand (stop). Of the games you can create for your child, you can write lists you want to buy from the ration store, and make your child delete the name of the thing you buy. Reading games: Paste some magnetic characters on the refrigerator, write some words, ask your child to read them, then let him write the letters and words and you answer, and try to give him a wrong answer sometimes to correct them for you. His parents !!

  1. School and reading your child:
    Keep reading how your children are taught. Visit the school and learn the reading teacher, and between him you are interested in reading your child and also has the programs that you offer your child to be a lover of reading. Ask the reading teacher how to teach reading to your child, ask about your child's reading activities at school, and ask about your child's relationship with the school library. And a nice talk about the importance of reading activities that must be used by the child in school !! Do not forget to give thanksgiving to the teacher who performs the reading lesson in a way that develops the love of reading in the child. Sometimes the teacher is afraid to undertake free reading activities inside the class and leave the course a bit, so you have to support this teacher and send him letters of thanks he and his manager, and thank him for his work! And offer to donate interesting stories and books suitable for the Library of Chapter! When other teachers hear about this encouragement they may find the courage to do the same thing in their classes !!

  2. Your child, school trips, friends and reading:
    If your child or child participates in a school trip, be sure to give him some interesting books and stories! There may be a good time to read, and pass these books and stories useful to his friends! But should be seen by the teacher first. You can also give your child's friends some interesting books and stories or tell them to your child. This will, God willing, guarantee the creation of friends for your child who love to read.


  1. Car and read your baby!
    Make sure to provide magazines and stories suitable for your child in your car. And give it to your child while driving, especially if the child will sit for a long time in the car. The child at the time will be busy reading and stop screaming and quarrel and this is another benefit !!
    It is noticeable that people who spend a long time, and his car parked for washing, or repair the engineer to break them, or for any other reason. It does not take advantage of this time to read in magazines or useful books. Do not make your children of this kind if they grow up !!

  2. Your child and the characters he loves and who can make him love her:
    It is important to provide your child with some books about the characters he loves, or that he can love, and learn more about the Prophet peace be upon him, his life and miracles, companions, and heroic figures in Islamic history and all this is found in interesting stories and attractive, Your child does not like fantasy stories but loves good stories against evil and mega

Realistic times.

  1. Make your child read the recipes!
    When you buy a medicine, the prescription for taking the medicine is in the box. When you buy a toy for your child you need to install, the recipe for the installation method is associated with it. So it is necessary to ask your child to read it first, or to read it aloud and explain to him what he did not understand.
    It is important to read any accompanying recipe for any purpose. Because that will be paid to the love of reading and getting used to it.


  1. Interesting stories and magazines and the pursuit of children:
    Follow your children with attractive and interesting stories where they are. Put the stories next to the TV, play areas, and next to the bed, put attractive stories to sleep but never hate your child to read !!

  2. Family members and reading !!
    Talk to your family about the articles and books you read. And devoted time to dialogue and discussion. Let this be with your children, allow them to participate in the dialogue, and encourage them to read, and encouraged them to read! And write what they like stories in a special book.

19 - Children and reading theater:
Children read easily when they understand what they read, so choose the roles in the story, make your child become one of the characters and read the dialogue you speak. This is what is called the reading theater.
This will help to have fun and excitement while reading.

20 - Train reading exceeds your children:
Do not despair, no matter how old your children are and how big they can learn to love reading, but it is important to provide them with magazines, books that meet their reading needs, and it is possible to share them in some appropriate magazines, especially if they have to satisfy their reading needs more .



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