Mobile Apps based on React Native Technology

The app store and google play mobile applications are growing rapidly. Despite of the huge difference between Android and IOs, both of them have large audiences. The most hassle-free way to make applications for these platforms is through cross platform development. React Native is one of the most popular environments to build cross-platform mobile apps. Many IT companies are moving to this platform. This article highlights the reason behind choosing React native components and its benefits.

Why React Native?
React Native is a framework designed by the developers of Facebook. It is built on the react JavaScript library to create mobile applications for Android, iOS, and Windows Platform. It is known for its architecture. JavaScript is used to create cross platform software and platform native language is used to create the interface.

Here is a list of different frameworks that can be used in development -
• Xamarin
• Phone Gap browser wrapper
• AngularJS
• Appcelerator Titanium
• JQuery Mobile (obsolete)
• Ionic (focuses exclusively on creating layouts and UIs)
• Ext JS

The above platforms form the operating principle of the cross platform application. One can launch the codes on the mobile device in wrapper or browser. Hardware, Software and APIs can be accessed through browser module of the device. Page rendering and layout drawing takes time as it is made on client side, resulting in low responsiveness. This scenario slows the DOM as well. With React native, one can work on a virtual DOM that makes the applications much faster. It also uses independent thread to execute any application.

Practicing such technologies is very crucial for developing coding skills. For further enhancing your knowledge visit CodeFights, a one stop junction for all your programming and development related query and practice. Also explore the new innovative approaches for cracking interviews for your dream job. Visit Today!

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