1. Revolving Door of Washcloths

Having a clean washcloth every time you wash your face is key. Yes, it’s extra laundry you have to fold, but your skin will thank you. Invest in a pack of cotton washcloths and swap in a new one before each wash.

  1. Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

If you don’t already religiously wash your bed sheets, this is your time to start. Make your skin a promise that at least once a week you will wash your pillow cases. Think about it like this — your face stays planted in one place for hours at a time — make it a priority for that space to be so fresh and so clean.

  1. Try a New Acne Treatment

I recently added a brand new product called Differin Gel to my morning skin routine and Lord Almighty has it helped to prevent breakouts before they occur! Differin is a clear gel that contains a full prescription-strength acne fighting retinoid called adapalene.

  1. Hydrate From The Inside Out

Repeat after me: “Water is my best friend and I will drink eight glasses minimum, daily.” Hydration is crucial to having healthy and clear skin. So, what are you waiting up? Go fill up your glass right now!

  1. Treat Yourself

If it is in your budget to indulge in monthly facials all the more power to you . If it is not, then there are plenty of other routes you can take to get that fresh spa feeling. I am the queen of treating myself to an at home spa night. Have a favorite face mask? Lather that sucker on, light a candle, put your phone down, and rellaax,

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