Ray Lewis: Black People Are Afraid To Discuss Racial Issues

There are really two kinds of black people in America. Black people who are outspoken about ongoing racial inequality in the nation that gave us the most brutal version of Slavery mankind has ever seen. For over 400 years, human beings were dehumanized, in the eyes of whites and blacks alike. The fear that black people still have of the punishments that come from going 'against' the white systems, are still persistent today.

That brings me to the 'other kind of black person in America' - the sellout.

Black people are afraid to discuss Racial issues.

More accurately, black people have come to 'learn' that it is more profitable to stay quiet. Recently, two black athletes who had trouble with the law, made statements regarding Collin Kaepernick. Both, caused a collective head shake from the conscious black community. Also, you found other blacks who are 'afraid' endorsing these wholly ignorant comments by Michael Vick and Ray Lewis.

When it comes to Ray Lewis, he got in trouble with the law several years ago. To this day, in several circles people openly refer to him as a murderer. It is a real shame to see him use his 'power and influence' to keep another black man from getting a job. He's clearly pandering to his white masters, his employers, and 'selling out' for a paycheck.

Ray Lewis is making sure that he will make money - but isn't doing the same for his black brother, who's speaking out on his behalf. Ray Lewis is afraid to speak out against the police brutality in our nation, which disproportionately effects black communities. Meanwhile, Collin Kaepernick is literally being blackballed for his stance.

The NFL is full of athletes who've beat their wives, killed people with their cars, or have abused drugs & alcohol. But a black man who had the nerve to call out racial injustice in our nation can't get back in their league?

I love that Shannon Sharpe brought up these situations with Ray Lewis, immediately after he said what he said. He clearly is a hypocrite, who feels that it's okay for the NFL To give chances to murderers, drug abusers, and domestic violence. "The very thing that Collin Kaepernick is protesting, is the very thing President Trump is encouraging. Steve Bisciotti has not commented on police brutality."

--- Ray Lewis came back with "let's be careful about talking about that" - and went into Black on Black Crime.

This is a huge problem with the conversation on Police Brutality. Racist whites start talking about black on black crime, as if it's a bigger issue. Blacks who are 'afraid' of white people, will quickly go along with that talking point. Sadly, Ray Lewis sounds like he's trying to win this debate, and avoids answering direct questions brought up by Shannon Sharpe.

"That's not a Fight for NFL Owners to Fight" - Ray Lewis

The hell it isn't! Who could have a bigger impact on changes with how Police terrorize and harm black communities, than one of the wealthiest industries in America? Again, I love that Shannon Sharpe didn't allow Ray to get away with these entirely ignorant comments. If the NFL can take a stance against one of it's players speaking out against Police Brutality, it could take a stance to SUPPORT that NFL Player as well.

But they won't, because the owners of these NFL Teams, are part of the system that has continued to harm black life for over 400 years. I'm not sure I see an end in sight, as the election of a black man to the highest office in the land, unleashed a White-lash, that is literally taking the nation back 50-60 years.

Commentary from 'scared blacks' should be ignored during these times.

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