Environmental Activists Call for a Tripa Swamp Rescue

From Meulaboh - South Aceh national highway, it is reached 25 KM and continued to walk about 2 KM until it reaches the hinterland of Tripa Swamp, Darul Makmur Subdistrict, Nagan Raya District, Aceh. Our journey is not worth the locals and environmentalists who continue to voice and save Tripa Swamp from the hands of the bastard.

Is an area of ​​61,803 hectares 20526044_10210586785885586_1458690512060956429_n.jpgon the west coast of Aceh or the northern part of Sumatra island. In fact Tripa contains a high biodiversity, in addition to being very important to the local population. Tripa is also the largest carbon shelter in Aceh.

Even about 50 to 100 million tons of carbon and is a net positive carbon sink. However, high amounts of carbon are being released due to the destruction of peat through burning, drainage and oxidation by palm oil companies, they destroy Tripa for personal gain, just moments away.

The bastard, they are not alone, the government contributes to the permit, at will without caring if 280 Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) or 4% of the world's total, are threatened and worn, waiting for our helping hand.

4 large palm oil companies still destroy Tripa Swamps, burning their peat and digging channels to plant oil palms. Then we just stay? Let's do something to save Tripa Swamp in the Leuser Ecosystem (KEL) region remains as a protected peatland.

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