Rare Topics Challenge: Inaugural post about my love story with dnd and other rpgs

After joining steemit and browsing it for a day or so, I like it so far, but one of the biggest issue with it that I found is that the topics people speak about are very skewed towards few tags that are most profitable. Those being either personal blogs, photography or crypto currency talk. That is to be expected, but I want it to change somewhat, I want steemit to be more evenly distributed in topics people write about. So to that end I announce:
Rare Topics Challenge.

The idea is pretty simple - you pick a topic that is not widely talked about on steemit. It can be any topic, but it's best if you are passionate about. Maybe you are an expert on some obscure art? Maybe you are really passionate about some hobby that no one knows about? It can be anything as long as it's not widely talked about on steemit. And then you make a post about it with a tag #raretopicschallenge, that's it.
As far as I know this is not a thing on steem. Which is good, because I want it to be a thing very much. Don't think about it as a post to break bank, but rather as a post to increase steemit value as a whole. As something to encourage people to write about new things.

So I will begin with my own special love - roleplaying games.

As a kid I did play rpg video games to some extent and later on even mmorpgs, but due to living in a small town and knowing no one who actually played board games, I never developed love for them at a young age. My biggest regret now is that I don't have anyone in real life to play with, had I convinced some friends back in school it would be so much more interesting right now.

In any case if we move to just a few years back. One of my corpmates on EVE online (that should be another topic on this challenge, maybe another time) invited people to join a game he was GMing. I don't really know why I decided to join, but sooner than later the time came for the first session. I got to create my first character (it turned out just a tad bit edgy, but family problems is kinda an expected thing for player characters).
Creating the character I quickly realized that I can make the character anything I want. Unlike video games, there were no limits. That kind of freedom intoxicated me.
And so the campaign began. From getting our first spaceship, to bringing about the AI singularity. I soon figured out that I could do anything in the game and imagination was the only limit. It was fantastic.
In any case at some point that first campaign ended, but ever since I been obsessed with RPGs. (I currently run 1 campaign and play in 4 more each week. Yeah just a tad obsessed.)

In my ideal world, children at school would have a rpg class. It is endlessly fun and it would teach children a lot of important things. It also connects people like nothing else. The people I play with are all my friends, even though we live across the world.

So what else can I tell about my roleplaying, well a few favorites would be nice.

Favorite race in DnD - Kenku. They are obnoxious and that is great.
Favorite class in DnD - Monk. Who needs magic, when you can hit people with your fists?
Favorite system - Microscope. It is entirely different system, instead of building story of your character, you are building the story of the setting.

This is another love story actually. Microscope is different but it is a good different. Your characters die and often, but they are not important. You are building the setting from beginning to end and that brings about a lot of interesting roleplay. You may know that the king dies, but how does he die? Is it assassin? Is it old age? Is it accident? The roleplay brings about all those small details.
I most assuredly recommend you try that system.

There is not much more to tell. Just that I will roleplay till the day I die.

And I hope you guys decide to join me and post about something new. Good day.

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