Introducing Rapids Ambassadors, Rapids (RPD)


Good morning, good evening, everyone!

Less than a year ago, in April 2019, Rapids Network decided to launch its Ambassadors Program.

Today, 9 months later, we have no less than 9 active Ambassadors, representing countries from all over the world, let me introduce them to you, but I will also take the opportunity to take you on a trip.

Let's start with our little world tour of the Rapids Ambassadors, as we are all polite and respectful, by our dear Ambassadress from Brazil!

Thaynara: Rapids Ambassadress for Brazil, this great country in South America that has so much beautiful landscapes, and so many things to do, to see and to visit, such as:

  • Rio de Janeiro, and its carnival...
  • The Amazon
  • Brasília, futuristic and utopian city, architectural masterpiece
  • Parque nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses
  • São Paulo with its forest of skyscrapers and avant-garde architecture

Thaynara lives in Araguari in the state of Minas Gerais, discovered Rapids through Telegram, then she went to the Rapids Network website to learn more about this new and young crypto, and that's where Thaynara saw that it was possible to become involved in the community, and little by little, her growing interest in the community, and having brought new Brazilian members to the big Rapids Family, it was only natural that she became a representative of the community in her country.

As an Ambassador, Thaynara wants to bring her knowledge and skills to the Brazilian community on Telegram, but also to everyone else, because in Brazil, people still have a lot to learn about Cryptocurrencies.

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"Seja todos bem vindos a família Rapids!!!"

Let's change continents and move on to Europe, starting with Italy.

Ale : Rapids Ambassador for Italy, this European country, shaped like a boot, high place of our Civilization, but also Culture and Traditions, make this country unique :

  • Rome and the Vatican
  • Venice, this unique city, entirely built on stilts and crossed by multiple canals.
  • Verona, which is the city of lovers (this from Romeo & Juliet)
  • Naples
  • Turin, Italian Chocolate Capital
  • Firenze, City of Artists : Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci ...

Ale live in Milan, a member of the community since December 2018, also knew Rapids on Telegram, he had read an article about RPD Rains on an Italian Telegram Channel, little by little, and as his commitment to Rapids grew, it proved very useful to count him in the Rapids Ambassador Program.

As an Ambassador, Ale likes to explain the advantages of using RPD on a daily basis, and likes to take care of his Italian community, he has become the RPD Reference for Italy.

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"Benvenuto in Rapids, se vuoi divertirti, ricevere RPD ed essere parte di un grande progetto sei nel posto giusto! 😀 "

Let's stay in Europe for a while longer, and go to Slovenia.

Dejan: Rapids Ambassador for Slovenia, a small country, bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia offers incredible landscapes between sea and mountains.

  • Ljubljana, Capital of the country that can be translated as the "Beloved".
  • The lake of Bled, with its islet and its castle
  • The Soca Valley, with its alpine landscapes and its transparent emerald green river.
  • Diving in the depths of Skocjan

Dejan currently resides in Vrhnika, he joined our community, on the recommendation of another Slovenian member of Rapids, and little by little he became attached to our community, and adheres to the vision of Rapids.

As an Ambassador, Dejan wants to develop and popularize Rapids in his country and help his community on Telegram to spread the word, as he himself says "Bring Rapids to as many homes as possible in the hope that everyone can reward those who work well and help as much as possible".

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"Če ti manjka zabava, dobra družba norih Slovencev, je RAPIDS Slovenija edino mesto zate."

Let's go now to the other side of the world, to join our Australian friends

JT : Rapids Ambassador for Australia, this small continent, but also one of the most beautiful countries in the world, where you can visit

  • Its world-famous Cities: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth ...
  • Kangaroo Island
  • The Great Barrier Reef
  • Barbie 'Barbecue' is a way of life at home
  • Eastern Australia enjoys 340 to 360 days of sunshine a year!

JT is a proud resident of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, discovered Rapids through Twitter, and became interested in TeamRPD, after seeing Rapids (RPD) on Binance Dex, did his own research, and then became an active member of our community.

As an Ambassador, JT takes pleasure in helping his compatriots, educating them and helping them travel the world of cryptos safely. Whether it's building a wallet, signing up for exchanges or learning about scams, everyone has to start somewhere.

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"“G’day” from the land Down Under.
It doesn't matter where we come from, or how we got here, just that we're in Australia and we all call this wonderful country home.
Welcome to Rapids Australia mate"

Let's now make a short stop in Africa, in Nigeria more precisely...

Ademola Aiku : Rapids Ambassador for Nigeria, an African country in the Gulf of Guinea, between culture and architecture, this country pleases everyone:

  • Lekki this magnificent city between hallucinating architecture and sublime beaches
  • Lagos is Africa's largest city as well as its economic capital.
  • Yankari National Park
  • The Oshun Oshogbo Sacred Forest (one of the deities representing the River and the Wealth)

Ademola Aiku, from the Yoruba Tribe, he lives on Ile-sa in Osun State, discovered Rapids during an Airdrop organized by 'bitebtc' after some research to better understand what Rapids is and what we offer, he wanted to become Rapids Ambassador following the recommendations of a member of our team.

As Ambassador, Ademola Aiku hopes to build a great team within the Nigerian community for the future of Rapids, and soon organize street exhibitions and seminars to help the mass adoption of the RPD.

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

Kaabo si owo Rapids. Owo kan, Rapids Kan. Nigeria kan. Aye Kan. Ronu Rapids. Ronu Alawọ ewe.
Nabata na mkpụrụ ego Rapids. Otu mkpụrụ ego, Otu Rapids. Otu Nigeria. Otu .wa. Chee Rapids. Chee Green.
Barka da zuwa tsabar kudin Rapids Coinari ɗaya, Rapids ɗaya. Najeriya daya. Duniya Daya. Tunani Rapids. Ka yi tunanin Green."

Let's stay a little longer in Africa, this time to reach Sudan.

Sungem : Rapids Ambassador for Sudan, a country located in the south of Egypt, crossed from one side to the other by the Nile and bordered by the Red Sea, between culture and architecture, this country is full of mysteries and treasures to be discovered:

  • Meroe, ancient city of Nubia
  • The National Museum of Sudan
  • Nile Street
  • Sanganeb National Park
  • The University of Khartoum

Sungem, a resident of Khartoum, the country's capital, discovered Rapids though Telegram, and quickly became interested in this new crypto, while deepening his research on Rapids, he wished to become a Rapids Ambassador, to support Rapids Network in his country, and within his community.

As Ambassador, Sungem, wishes to make Cryptocurrencies known and popular in his country, via Rapids (RPD).

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"أعضائنا الكرام:
مجتمع العملات الإلكترونية وخاصة الرابيد، السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، أولا وقبل كل شئ نرحب بكل الأعضاء المتواجدين.
وثانياً كلمة خاصة للأعضاء القدامى لقد كنتم الدافع والعامل الأساسي لاستمرار هذا المجتمع حتى صار إلى ما هو عليه الأن وبفضل جهودكم المقدرة، وإسهاماتكم استطعنا ان نستقطب المزيد من الأعضاء في سبيل جعل هذا المجتمع أكبر وأكثر فائدة ودمتم لنا ودامت مجهوداتكم.
وثالثاً رسالة لأعضائنا الجدد استلطفكم كسفير لهذا المجتمع العربي لعمله الرابيد الالكترونيه أن تفيدوا هذا المجتمع بأفكاركم الجديده واللامعة لكي نصعد به إلى القمة، نعلم ان المجتمع العربي مازال يخطو خطاه الأولى في هذا المجال ولكن وبجهودكم ودعمكم سنرقى به إلى العلياء وسنجعله رائداً في هذا المجال
وفي الختام نأمل أن نكون في حسن ظنكم .
سفير رابيد السودان"

Let's change continents again and head for Indonesia.

Royansteve: Rapids Ambassador for Indonesia, a South Asian country with no less than 13,000 islands, making it the largest archipelago in the world, and so much to see, do and visit.

  • The rice fields of Ubud on the island of Bali
  • Prambanana and its 240 Shivaite temples on the island of Java
  • The Tanah Lot temple, perched on its islet
  • D'ujung Kulon National Park, volcanic island and rhino territory

Royansteve lives in Jambi, on the island of Sumatra, discovered Rapids through Telegram, he is a big fan of the community and the activities it offers, and little by little his interest was noticed, so he decided to become a Raids Ambassador.

As Ambassador, Royansteve wishes to present the Rapids project in Indonesia, because "Rapids is a revolution in the social media platform in the future, where people can react as needed and very quickly."

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"hallo saya royanstev aditya, Ambasador rapids dari Indonesia jika kalian berminat boleh chat saya secara pribadi. Di group telegram @rapidsindonesia"

Let's go back to South America again, to Colombia.

Diego: Rapids Ambassador for Colombia, located in the extreme north of the South American continent, this country is composed of forests, the Andes Cordillera, and a multitude of coffee plantations, this country is fascinating as much by its landscapes as by its culture.

  • Bogotá, capital perched at 2600m altitude
  • Medellín, city of eternal spring
  • Santa Marta and the Lost City
  • Tayrona Natural Park

Diego (of Italian origin) resident of Medellín, discovered Rapids on Twitter, and joined the community on Telegram quickly.

As an Ambassador, Diego wants to help the people of his country, and his community on Rapids, and wants to use Rapids (RPD) as a means of payment in different stores.

Welcome message (for current members but also for those who will join us)

"Invito a todos los Colombianos y no que se unan a nuestra Gran Familia Rapids y poder así asegurar un mejor futuro para sus familias. La unión nos hace grandes y fuertes."

And to close this world tour, I've chosen to bring you to France

Christophe : Rapids Ambassador for France, located in Eastern Europe, this country full of colors, cultures, traditions, history, gastronomy ... there is always something to see or to do in every little corner of France.

  • Paris, its capital, its museums, its monuments
  • The Dune of Pilat, which is one of the largest dunes in Europe.
  • Mont Saint-Michel
  • Wine regions (Bordeaux, Champagne, Loire, Cotes du Rhône, Cognac ...)

Christophe lives in Marsal a small village in the North-East of France, discovered Rapids following the advice of a friend, and quickly joined the vision and projects of Rapids, and little by little he got involved in the community, helping out in his own way, he wrote a few Articles, and then wished to join the Ambassador Program, today Christophe is the Official Writer for Rapids.

As an Ambassador, Christophe wants to make it known to as many people as possible that the Cryptocurrencies are not just about the best known ones, but that others can be really useful, if we wants to discover them.

Welcome message (for current members, but also for those who will join us)

"Rejoindre Rapids s'est s’assurer de faire parti d'une des communautés les plus actives sur Telegram, et rejoindre une jeune crypto qui vas changer la donne, dans un avenir proche"

Thank you to all our Rapids Ambassadress & Ambassadors, who do a great job every day.

Thanks to all of you for holding out until the end, I hope this little trip around the world (of our Ambassadors) made you dream.

And don't hesitate to join us on Telegram and on social networks, if you have any questions, there will always be someone to answer them.

You can also join us as a Rapids Ambassador, if you're passionate about Rapids and want to share it in your community, or your country, what better way than this to introduce Rapids to as many people as possible?

We are at your disposal if you have any questions about the Ambassador program.

Christophe WILHELM

Rapids Network


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